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Dawn of the Dead

Comrade Vathek | 10.07.2001 16:13

Blair is Prime Minister. What went wrong ? Why were the warning signs unheeded ?

The case is particularly sad, harrowing, and tragic. Blair started life as an innocent student at Oxford, a typical young person in fact, asking everybody to trust him, as young innocent people do.
Then he got into 'rock and roll' beat bands and then the funny ideas started. Ugly rumours abounded as he began preaching the word of some obscure guru and even went around posing as the leader of the Labour party. Strange behaviour indeed, but why did nobody notice ?
Then came the dealings with private capitalism, the inexplicable launching of general elections in girls schools, humanitarian smart-bombs and an irreparable loss of voter turnout. This poor young man's credibility is now in ruins, and nobody cares about him. Somehow, are we to blame ?

Comrade Vathek


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Has anyone seen my cat ?

10.07.2001 16:20

I was the previous occupant of the address where this disturbed young man now lives. I am totally unconnected with him, and for that Im very glad, But Im very worried about poor Humphrey, my little cat who decided to stay on when I got evicted. If anyone has seen him, (the cat, that is) please let me know. $ 10 reward.

John Major

tony's armpit

11.07.2001 09:04

Hi kids- I was a radical like all of you in my youth- ahh when I was young and naive- all those socialist meetings, those protests, rise up sleeping giant! But really kids throw out your trotsky- there is no alternative- capitalism continues..ahem. Ideologically us and elitist corporate globalisation were always very much compatable. Just have faith in market forces, society can mold itself into our new global order, im sure the billions of poor will benefit from a few crumbs of our feast, yum, yum. Umm, im old and grey now and the revolution will not happen as long as im representing british interests abroad, you disgusting thugs. I disagree with you and your methods- do people just become more hypocritical with age or is it just me? Get back to the system-you need to all earn a living you know- being a responsible member of this society doesnt mean standing against the IMF/World Bank/WTO/GATS/FTAA.. free trade alphabet soup, it means getting a nice suit, settling down in the suburbs and going to baby gap to buy some trendy clothes for your 21st century kid. The armed gangs are here to keep order on our streets- coercion rocks, man. A bas le capitalisme!- I dont think so, sorry to spoil your fun.

Jack straw

And then there were three............

11.07.2001 10:52

Where's my Jag? I need another Jag! ( he says, inflicting left jabs on the electorate on his way !)

John Prescott

humphrey, the forgotten victim

11.07.2001 13:30

now that blair has lost his appeal /to anyone/ the story can now be told.
and vathek, stop stealing my ideas !

orion noir

neurotic loveless politicians

11.07.2001 13:42

Join the travelling circus today. (Cherie-is she or isnt she?) Bring them down with smiles and sympathy. Feline fury rocks, jazz up the revolution. Us domestic animals have had enough of the corporate monsters devouring the planet and its people. Peace up.

Pussies of the world unite