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As long as cities exist environment can never be saved

sushil yadav | 10.07.2001 02:42

The following is about to come true:

Nature can exist
(1) before man
(2) after man
(3) not with man

sushil yadav
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ooh, we´d better care

10.07.2001 09:02

no wonder noone likes to publish this biocentric garbage. religous gaia theorys like that are not emancipative at all. this gaia shit is highly repressiv and isn´t questioning capitalism, that kills people and animals, in any way. of course it is not the whole mankind who destroys our planet, but it is the capitalist system that kills humans and animals as well as their habitats.

animal lib, human right - one struggle, one fight!


cities- non-sustainable

10.07.2001 12:54

The consumption patterns in capitalist society are indeed devastating our planet, and only approx 1 billion people are part of this consumer society, the other 5 billion can't afford to play the game. thus we need to assess what we are aiming for as a species... to raise the other 5 billion to our consumption levels? no, imagine 5 times more trash, 5 times more cars, 5 times more power needed to be generated, it is not feasible, the environmental results would be catastrophic. For everyone to be able to live at the same level, we would have to abandon consumerism and live a life based on work (farming), interaction with other people, fitness pursuits and other environmentally friendly activities. I don't see it happening though, at least not until it's too late. It can only happen if everyone as individuals makes the choice to live in this way, and i agree that animallib and human rites are one struggle. How a person reacts to the weakest creatures reveals a great deal about their character


i agree with natte here

10.07.2001 15:55

unfortunately, sushil ius susing some very confused categories here. i personally dont like to see plants being torn up, even if theyre just the nettles in my garden (butterflies like them for some reason), but surely, even vegetarians have to eat something, so this places them in a bit of a dilemma. Yes, if you want to annoy a veggie, ask her about 'plant consciousness', and confront her with the dislogic of the entire philosophy. i say to sushil that ecological considerations are merely subjective, and highly so at that

comrade vathek