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Climate Chaos, Bonn and a few corporations.

Ana Peñas | 09.07.2001 17:25

In 1998, 300 million people were affected by storm surges, torrential rain, landslips, mudslides and tidal waves.
Not anything corporate bosses and other tyrans care about.

Ana Peñas
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Contacting Rising Tide UK

10.07.2001 09:17

There's a week of UK climate action called by Rising Tide UK from July 14th-21st. For more info or to let us know if you're planning something, see the website, email, write or phone.

Good luck!


Clim Atechaos
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Edinburgh climate actions

10.07.2001 09:28

Climate Talks
Trade Talks
Money Talks
All talk an no ACTION!

But not in Edinburgh!

The next round of UN climate changes negotiations take place in Bonn,
Germany from 14th-23rd July (COP6.5 to discuss the Kyoto Protocol). The
immediate 60% cuts in greenhouse gases scientists state is the required
action is not even being discussed. The cut being negotiated is 5.2% across
developed countries, with important exclusions, such as aviation and
international freight (so as not to interfere with globalisation?).

Make you opposition known - join hundreds of others in the streets with
your bike for 'Critical Mass', and a grand tour of Edinburgh's climate
change landmarks.

When? Friday 20th July, 5.30 pm
Where? Festival Square (large square on Lothian Rd, next to Shearaton
Hotel, opposite Usher Hall)
What to bring? Yourselves, friends and bikes, rollerskates or equivalent,
anything thats colourful and/or makes a noise!

Contact details:
Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh
17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA
Tel: 0131 557 6242

This event is also part of 'Foot & Mouth'....

FOOT IT AROUND Edinburgh....14th July, for a STREET PARTY - Reshape Urban
Space II - meet 3 pm both Festival Sq. AND Bristo Sq. - Bring what you hope
to find!

MOUTH OF....21-22 July, for an extravaganza of ideas, with talks,
workshops, videos, fully staffed creche, and more. 11am-5pm both days,
Studio 24, 24 Carlton Rd, Edinburgh.

Contact details as above.

Please circulate far and wide.


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