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The great Aids Cover up

Unruly | 05.07.2001 10:22

It will take time for the real origin of aids to be known, its one of the best kept secrets of our time, this is the one & only truth about the origin of the aids virus, it can not be disputed, it is fact, now that we know the facts about the origin of the virus let us start to deal with this affliction as best as we can



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05.07.2001 12:15

well if "we" have this map, then show it. that's what's so great about the internet, you're allowed to use more than words.

mail e-mail:

Application of Occum's Razor

05.07.2001 14:22

Except --- the ONLY way this scenario makes sense is if this presumed cure/prophylactic had been discovered by soime bizarre chance and not straightforward research.

1) The scenario requires the discovery of a cure or prophylactic prior to planned release. Nobody intentionally releases a bioweapon without knowing the appropriate cure. I stress the "intentionally" but the above article didn't claim an accidental release of something during testing.

2) If this was something discoverable in a few years straightforward research it would have been rediscovered by now. Arguing that it has been repeatedly rediscovered but is being suppressed would require evidence of a lot of deaths and disappearances amoung researchers (note: minor threats wouldn't work -- whoever publishes and aids cure/vaccine is a sure bet Nobel).

3) Security doesn't work that way. Secrets DON'T last. An awful lot of people whould have had to be in the know (eg: don't mix up batches of vaccine) and the lifetime of secrets where lots of people know is short. We have myths about secrets, pretend they were secret.

An equally likely theory would fit the maps (if maps do indeed correlate earliest outbreaks with vaccinations). Vaccines that originated (or passed through apes) during development could quite possibly have been the original source without any conspiracy (and thus no prior existing cure). Anyone know if that's possible for Hepatitis B? I would think that less likely in the case of an old vaccine like for smallpox.

Mike Novack
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Kissinger of Death

05.07.2001 16:51

Never before in the history of planet Earth, has a terminal virus just appeared from nowhere which "targetted" and "decimated" specific social and racial groups. This is bio-logical warfare at it's most racist, most heinous and most genocidal, inflicting untold suffering, misery and death. Botswana has the most victims, it also has the most diamonds. What a diabolically accomodating (to the US) disease.

A monkey's uncle

well alrighty then.

05.07.2001 18:00

did you also know the world was run by a shadowy elite of 12ft shape shifting lizards. like mike novak said if a cure was found so easily then it would probably have been discovered many times over by independents considering the huge amount of research into aids. if the goverment had to go to that much trouble to cover up repeated discoveries of cures, then why didn't they just supress development in research/treatment of other already existing diseases, then they could concentrate on killing people with tropical diseases so protecting the US inhabitants without the need (or risk) of a vacine. also i dont think the benifits of this disease now outway the huge amount of money american pharmicutical companies could make by holding the continent to ransom for a cure. and why no huge epidemic of some new disease in china considering the threat america supposes this gigantic nation posses?



05.07.2001 22:51

What a pile of bullshit. It seems that if you dislike the government and the capitalist system, then you have to accept every wacko story iterated by X-files obsessed neurotics. The absurd anti-Jewish Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion diatribe is becoming the Bible of the loonies who are hijacking the anarchist movement. Inherent in the belief is that everything bad ('evil') that happens is the design of some grand conspiracy - this Bilderburg stuff. No doubt there are conspiracies, but they are usually leaky (ie Michael Ashcroft's Belize tax-haven for drugs traffickers) and mostly well publicised (ie Enron's power within the Whitehouse following after its massive slush fund for the Bush campaign).

These frankly fucking stupid conspiracy theories of the cultists piss me off and are just the product of some pseudo-religion invented by New Age freaks. They make the resistance movement look like shambolic and ridiculous. If I see one of these nutters beside me in a demostration, I'll give them a piece of my mind.

Daniel Brett
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what complete shite

05.07.2001 23:22

HK was responsable for countless deaths in south asia (and south america, chile for example). Lets concentrate on real war crimes at the moment.

This article is complete bullshit, time to forget racial divides, and start fighting the real problem. Let us End WAR, End the reasons for war, and the reasons for agression and the need to gain from those who have less (the whole point of capatalism is to gain, to gain you must take). Lets educate and forget the shitty cold war politics that held us back for so long.

Humanity has a goal, this goal is not self destruction.

If you meet a fascist, first try to convince before you go for the kill.

Above all, start fighting for all people, and people in all places start fighting for good, time to fight the oppressors (CHINA, USA, IRAQ, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA, ISRAEL, and all other state for the few, and not for the masses governments)

Excuse all spelling mistakes, i cant be arsed with such shit at the moment.

Fight all agression at every level, the fighting of agression not agression, but liberation for all the future.

shite bollocks titwank

Remember the Topic

06.07.2001 10:38

It seems you are all still in denial. Let's sweep AIDS under the Third World threadbare carpet and bury our head in the sand. Defend Kissinger, justify his genocidal actions stated in memorandumbs...let's blame it all on cranks, freaks and weirdos and ignore the unanswered questions on how China, South America, India and Africa are riddled with a designer disease. Perhaps this microbe was developed in a such unique way a cure can not be found. A virus can be genetically manufactured to attack one individual, from a sample of his DNA obtained from a handshake. Have you any idea what is being developed in Frankenstein Labs, and why they retain body parts from dead infants?

Doctor WHO