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WEF Update from Salzburg: 2100 hrs

circus state | 30.06.2001 19:11

The police have a massive presence now with what must be over 100 roadbloacks around the centre.

In the last hour i´ve had my passport checked and been questioned (where are you from, what are you doing in slazburg, how long are you staying, where are you sleeping, where are you going?).

Convoys of police vehicles are hurtling down the empty streets sirens wailing, while around the conference centre every street corner has several police on it. Some tourists are still wandering around (it´s a good idea to buy an ice cream and look like a one here) while police and military helicopters buzz overhead.

After a day of workshops and conferences there have been some small demonstrations this evening - the reports from IMC Austria are below - reports are being translated into english from Salzburg:

[update 30.6., 20:02] The spontaneous demonstration has reached the InfoPoint without problems. The demonstration from the counter-summit, around 80 people, mostly from the Socialist Youth, to the Jungendherberge Nonntal (their youth hostel). There is a heavy police presence with them.

[update 30.6., 19:31] The Socialist Youth have occupied mc donalds, now they are standing in front of it. Between the two demonstrations there is a police blockade, preventing the union of the two demonstrations.

[update 30.6.01, 19:17] The Demonstration is near another spontaneous demonstration that started from the counter summit. Both of them are near the Mc Donalds on the corner Sterneckstraße/Linzer Bundesstraße.

[update 30.6.01, 19:08] since 7pm there is a livestream from the radiofabrik. They're going to give a life report from the demonstration.

[update 30.6.01, 19:02] The Demonstration is in the Dr. Karl-Renner-Strasse. Police are blockading their way

[update 30.6.01, 18:48] The police are now controlling people in the closed areas, removing them from closed areas. They're controlling protesters as well as normal citizens. All buses are being searched by the police, they're picking people out and controlling their IDs.

[update 30.6.01, 18:30] about 80 protesters forming a demonstration from the Infopoint to the police line.

circus state
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Welcome to a Brave New World Order

01.07.2001 15:03

Flagrant intimidation, denial of civil liberties and human rights is the NWO, also police incitement, brutality, torture and death, for good (evil) measure.

I am not a number