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Police will shoot, Salzburg summit protesters warned | 29.06.2001 22:11

"Police will shoot, Salzburg summit protesters warned" -Telegraph
"Police threaten to use guns in Salzburg rally" -The Times
*The Telegraph*
Police will shoot, Salzburg summit protesters warned
By Michael Leidig in Vienna
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What we are planning

30.06.2001 00:57

The Austrians are, according to this article, liaising with British 'intelligence' (ie, the floppy haired, spotty arsed half-wits with small cocks) about what us travelling anarchist circus freaks are up to.

Well, we're going to tear down your establishment, destroy poverty, burn your guns, destroy your palaces, stamp on your idols, shit on your money, kill your gods and have a bloody good party. After that, we'll go out and seek new life-forms and new civilisations - and carry on our good work on other planets.

Go on guys, arrest me. Make my day!

Daniel Brett
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