Latin American undercover police now working for Spain??
IMC UK Travelling Circus | 26.06.2001 14:33
There are a number of reports about undercover police speaking with American accent. This points at a dangerous recycling of leftovers from the security services of the dictatorships from those countries by the Spanish state.
On two occassions, people who went to make pictures to the stock exchange were identified by cops with South American accent. Also, lots of people say the same about some of the violent undercover cops who beat people with iron bars after the demo. The use of Latin American police, notourious for their poor human rights records, would be in tune with the increasingly repressive policies of western states towards the antisystemic global networks. Experts on Latin American politics consulted by IMCUK, point at the darker possibility that the undercover police actually come from dismantled paramilitary units, as their past would be more difficult to track.
IMC UK Travelling Circus
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