Now While "andiarbeit" Has Gone Fishing
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 25.06.2001 19:39
After "Bullhockey!", my comment after "New World Order" Id=6343 and "They are Fabricating Enemies", my comment after "The Rule of Lawlessness" Id=6352 disappeared from the postings, I noticed that "andiarbeit" has been writing articles about Barcelona, probably fishing for activists to cover-up the lawlessness of the powers-that-be in England, so I will try to reach you this way, hoping this posting will remain long enough to get the word on the latest from His messenger.
Dear UK; Since I started focusing on the coal-gassification process that lit the cities of the world for over a 100 years in the 19th and 20th centuries in "Chemical Modus Operandi Continued" Id=47525, you can see that the lawless ones have tried to present their own versions of environmental disasters that should have your attention while coal-gassification was the biggest disaster to ever occur on earth. Using 8 tons of coal to produce one ton of product, the byproducts were discarded into the upper stratum of the earths surface to contaminate the water and air for eons to come. The gas lights of the cities were on day and night, for there was no way to shut them off. This continued until natural gas became available in 1940. The places where these byproducts were dumped became the sites of industrial yards and boatyards, so that the ones who polluted those places could say that the new industries were the source of the pollution. Since these byproducts were probably red or amber, this is probably referred to in the Bible as the flaming mountain of Revelation 8:8 and the "blood" of Revelation 16:6; thus I wrote "Coal-Gassification Coverup; Let Them Drink "Blood"!" Id=48856. "Their Folly Plain to Everyone" Id=48513 also addresses this matter; but it focuses on people like "andiarbeit" off "fishing" for men to replace the lawless ones as the main villians of society. I pray that you are relaying the content of these articles to people who will ensure that it reaches a significant portion of the populace even it they remove it soon after posting.
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger