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Blair's Election Launch "Illegal" ?

Orion Noir | 25.06.2001 14:48

You will recall Blair's recent election launch in that girls' school in south London.
Well, it may not have been merely vomit-inducing, it may have been illegal too.

According to an article by Nick Triggle in the South London Press (22 June), Blair's embarrassing election launch speech, chosen to maximise appeal to voter focus groups, (rather than to the informed intellectuals of Indymedia and the SWP!) may have breached the Education Act 1996, section 407.
Southwark Councils borough solicitor has outlined her unease in a letter to the head of the school. The Labour party has ridiculed the matter, dismissing the law as 'obscure'!

Orion Noir
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weblink to south london press

25.06.2001 14:51


orion noir
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Yet another New Labour sleaze story

26.06.2001 02:49

Yes I believe it is against the Education Act for them to appear at a public school without representatives from other parties being there. I remember a few Tories making some whining noises about it at the time but they didn't pursue it and turn it into a scandal, probably because they wish they'd thought of it first.

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Blair's Illegal

26.06.2001 14:18

The law is crystal clear and far-reaching when it applies to us, but when they flaunt it, it's "obscure." Obscured by lies, corruption and greed.

Who voted?

Is Tony a mind control victim

27.06.2001 06:55

has anyone else noticed anything strange about Blair ?
i am convinced he is a victim of CIA mind control programme
Operation Monarch . It's the only thing that would explain
why he is such pratt ! an he's missus looks somthing out of star wars . LB

mail e-mail: lairdbairn@ziplip.cum