Anarchists plan to lay siege to detention centre
W@ | 24.06.2001 14:19
Anarchists plan to \'lay siege\' to Britain\'s flagship
detention centre for asylum-seekers and rip down its
fences in a bid to free scores of refugees, writes
Paul Harris.
detention centre for asylum-seekers and rip down its
fences in a bid to free scores of refugees, writes
Paul Harris.
Paul Harris of the Observer writes:
Anarchists plan to \'lay siege\' to Britain\'s flagship
detention centre for asylum-seekers and rip down its
fences in a bid to free scores of refugees, writes
Paul Harris.
A groups clled the Wombles, who played a major
role at this month\'s European summit in Gothenberg
and at London\'s Mayday protests, has issued
instructions over the internet for a \'day of
destruction\' on July 21st.
Activists have been told to converge on
Campsfield House in Oxfordshire - which holds about
180 people - bringing helmets, ladders, fence-cutters and padded clothing in anticipation of
a violent confrontation with police.
The Wombles have been holding weekly meetings
in London to plan the \'action\', to coincide with the
Genoa G8 summit of the leading industrial nations
plus Russia.
Just like to add that this is all TRUE!! Also our
weekly planning meetings are public as are our
intentions for the 4-days. We are a public
organisation, we challenge the state to show to the
population what is being done with people in these
detention centres and why they are being held. They
are the ones who conspire and act secretly against
against all people and they should be challenged in
the most public way. I like to urge as many people
as possible who can\'t make it to Genoa to support
this action and help make it happen.
La Lucha Sigue!
White Overalls