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More news of shot protester - WE CARE even if mainstream doesn't!!

mango | 22.06.2001 11:31

Why is there no media reportage yet? Hit the link for more details.

If violence holds sway, it will deliver the movement into the hands of its enemies......if we can't divide ourselves from violence, then violence will divide us from society. - G.Monbiot,5673,481241,00.html

But then, perhaps we should have reckoned just a little more with US 'security services' hyping up the swedish police for Bush's visit?


'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable' - J.F.Kennedy

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Monbiot, Blair and Mussolini

22.06.2001 13:33

Isn't George Monbiot one of those friends of Prince Charles? Anyway, Monbiot can believe what he reads in the press, after all he's a media hack, what do you expect? The rest of us will carry on actually doing things instead of writing endless books about bottle banks and other trendy liberal obsessions.

Tony Blair is going to be in Genoa for the G8 summit. Despite calling people like us scum for 'violent' protests, Blair is meeting the Italian government - formed by a media tycoon and his fascist allies, Rossi and Fini. I come from a Jewish family that fled from Genoa in the 1930s due to the rise of Mussolini's fascists. They ended up in Tirana in Albania and later Skopje and Belgrade in Serbia - all the time being hunted by the Nazis, until they found freedom with the Serb communists. They eventually came to the UK to settle down, although they had to change the family name due to anti-semitism over here.

Now I look at Blair. He bombed and killed civilians in his NATO attacks on Belgrade. He is now talking with people whose fascist parties persecuted my ancestors in a summit held in the town where my family once lived before they were forced out. The summit is guarded by a ring of steel - including 2,000 soldiers, helicopter gun ships, naval ships - to keep the opposition out.

Blair is a fascist collaborator. He is warm towards the fascist pigs who rule Italy, but he hates people like us who oppose him. The G8 summit is an outrage, an abomination. Blair is capable of anything, including bombing towns and cities in a country nearby. Forget George Monbiot's peace-loving crap, the fascists are in charge and they have begun shooting us. Blair's police force is already protecting the BNP and NF while they rampage through our communities. When the next recession comes, we will be back in the 1930s. Then we will have to be ready for the fight and there won't be time for compromise or tactical voting.

Can't say, sorry
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Monbiot Supports State Violence

22.06.2001 13:54

By failing in his articles to denounce the state violence which saw three protesters shot in Gotenberg, George Monbiot is effectively supporting such state violence.

He is undoubtedly a media hack blatantly neglecting concepts like truth and a responsibilty to the general public to voice that truth, in order to instead voice his poxy middle class opinion.

Monbiot calls us violent!! But is it not true that the "violence" of rioting and property destruction are utterly dwarfed by the systematic violence of capitalism? A system that is destroying the planet, boring its consumers to death and subjecting the majority world to slavery, famine and death.

Monbiot is free to uphold his theoretical principles of non violence like a meanwhile the leaders of wealthy states (such as his) and the minority who own and control our planet are presiding over a systm of oppression and unfreedom.

ya basta!

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22.06.2001 18:13

Either way, Monbiot is a prick. Someone should get him with a custard pie at his next book publicity stunt.

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Let's leave knee-jerk reactions to the capita

23.06.2001 12:52

How about we consider the words of Monbiot in a slightly less rabid light? Isn't the anti-capitalist movement always going on about the disproportionate reactions of the establishment? Well lets set a slightly more balanced, mature example and resist the urge to descend into faction-fighting. So what if old George condemns the strategies and actions of parts of "the movement". Does it really matter? Is a custard pie in his face going to change his opinions? I think not. We've quite enough to deal with in taking on global capitalism without squandering our energy on this kind of nonsense. Prague showed that there is room in this struggle for spikies, fluffies and those in between if the right tactics are chosen.


Monboit Scum

23.06.2001 18:58

Custard Pie? He's gonna get more than that. As a journo he has obviously accepted that he is an agent of the state and therefore a legitamite target. Power to the people!


To ascaso

23.06.2001 19:37

I think criticising Monbiot is important for he is spending a lot of energy attacking anti-globalisation protests as illegitimate due to a few smashed up McDonalds. We need to ask ourselves why Monbiot, an intelligent man who has written about globalisation, is distancing himself from activism. Moreover, there are plenty more like him - Jonathan Porrit, Vandana Shiva, etc - so we need to answer them. I would argue that they are becoming out-of-touch because they are being absorbed into establishment politics which is fundamentally conservative and reformist.

They need to ask themselves what did it take to overthrow a dictator like Milosevic? Look at the burning parliament buildings, look at the red and black flags, look at the hand-to-hand fighting. Are they seriously going to suggest that by peaceful persuasion, Milosevic would have gone? No, it's us - the anarchist travelling circus - that will make the change, not journalists babbling in their newspaper collumns. They also need to compare the 'violence' of these demonstrations with the violence of capitalism. Then they would realise that revolution is relatively bloodless and that those who fight for it are not evil or violent.
