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First impressions from Barcelona

AndiArbeit | 21.06.2001 23:10

Here a first impression from the ´Agencias´, the Indymedia Barcelona work space and walk-in internet cafe in Barcelona, not far away (and blagged) from the MACBA, the Museum of contemporary Art. Indymedia will run a cafe and public access point inside the museum under the disguise of art during the events of the coming days; it is yet to be seen if the museum will be happy how the events will unfold.

A plentitude of people have been working to prepare for the events of the coming days. A section of the room is filled with protective clothing, prepared during the last ten days by ´Pret a Revolter´. Nearly all the gear is prepared for around fifty ´Tutte Bianche´, coming from all over Spain.

There are jackets with sewn-in empty plastic water bottles (which can be found in their thousands in the trash on the streets); more waterbottles are ironed into plastic binbags for neck-protecting capes; thick cardboard and polystyrene shields are leaning in rows against the walls; bubble plastic wrapping is glued together to be worn around arms and elbows, the bubbles filled with red paint - when torn by a baton charge the bubbles will burst, producing quite a visual effect...

Photographs of children and immigrant teenagers are glued onto huge foamrubber plates with handles on their back. They will be used as protective shields; at police attacks four people can form a protective cubus with them (similar to what you can remember from the Roman legions doing in these Hollywood blockbusters).

On Friday and Saturday there will be a counter conference, parallel to the virtual meeting; the counter conference will cover issues such as democracy, participation and repression; social and labour rights; ecological and enviromental rights and the agricultural-subsidies policy model; migration; globalization and militarism; economic globalization and development; and women and globalization. The counter conference will be ending in a big street party on Saturday, coinciding with the traditional ´Revetlla´ or ´Verbena´ which will see lots of people in the streets celebrating the beginning of the summer. For Sunday a mass demonstration and public trial of the capitalist institutions is planned, followed by a party, dinner and camping at the Stock Market. On Monday morning at 9.00 a guided tour of the Stock Market for a group of approx. 20.000 people will be provided.

Watch this space.

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Barcelona inspiring

22.06.2001 21:34

I´m also in Barcelona and things are really inspiring... lots of different people involved in all types of work. Info on all the events can be found everywhere. Women in nice clothes with thin gold chains round their neck refusing to bow to police pressure and vowing to continue with the plans... awareness of people outside the movement without ¨doing the action for the media¨, the most full-on groups considering the impact of their actions for the whole thing without becoming reformist at all... confrontation and imagination hand in hand.. i havent seen anything like this in London for a while.