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What's wrong with our SYSTEMS?

BADASS | 21.06.2001 06:47


I believe in the SYSTEM that is failing, and I believe one answer can fix most of the problems that exists. That answer is " TRULY CARING! "
I am tired of the people that run the " SYSTEM " selling themselves, like used car salesman sell their product. They tell us what we want to hear, so that they can be elected, only to abandon us shortly after taking office.
I am tired of thinking that money runs this " SYSTEM ", and is the only answer to making it work. With that type of reasoning we only have one destination, failure. You see there is an old saying we all know that says, " MONEY DOESN'T BUY EVERYTHING ". How true it is!!
I am tired of the " SYSTEM " we elect, believe in, and worst of all whom we pay, treating us like children, leading us around by our hands, like a shepherd leads his flock of sheep. I refuse to say bahhhhh any longer.
Why is it every time you deal with a department in OUR SYSTEM, you feel like you are bothering someone? Why is it you can go to any business and 90% of the time be greeted by a smile, and when you go to a branch of OUR SYSTEM, you are lucky to be able to pry a smile out of they're lips. Why, because we are missing a key element. " CARING! "
The problem is " CARING ", and the lack of it in "OUR SYSTEM". If we all intend to live long prosperous lives, with a hope that OUR CHILDREN live the same kind of life, then we had better put caring back into OUR SYSTEM, and we better put OUR SYSTEM back into the hands of the people that created it, just normal citizens like you and I.
May we all live long and prosperous lives,




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Servitude sucks

21.06.2001 21:28

We must stop begging for our rights and take them back. Stop asking for our freedom, just take it. These people who govern have perpetuated a system for centuries, that enslaves us. They reform and ammend and revolutionize, but nothing changes or ever gets better. Haven't you noticed?



22.06.2001 08:24

Our democratic nations are undergoing a hostile
takeover by world corporate monopolies.
How could you have not noticed?
Or do you work for a corporate institution?

john the carpenter


22.06.2001 23:41

you cannot just overthrow all corporate and political institutions, and not send the world into CHAOS. Unless CHAOS is what you want. Both Capitalism, and Socialism do not work. We need to sit down and come up with a new ISM, but until then you must try to operate within the sucking system we have now! BADASS

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