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genoa update and forum this weekend!

noel | 20.06.2001 22:11

hear the truth!
eyewitness reports from gothenburg plus update on Genoa

This weekend there will be a forum with eyewitness reports from Gothenburg, people that were arrested and in the parts of the demo that where shots were fired.

Also there will be info on Genoa-

A meeting was held today in Paris attended by GR, ATTAC, drop the debt etc... the demo on the 21st is definatley going ahead, the Italian government have agreed to it. Also accomodation is to be provided by the city council, of course this does not mean that people will be blocked at borders etc...but the Italian government is in a no-win situation, to be seen to move the meeting or block access to the town would be an acceptance of defeat, Belasconi's wife is to afraid to come! The Genoa Social Forum people said today that a poll in Italy found 60% in favour of Gothenburg protests! More uions keep affiliating to the forum, as for the blockades, well there are over 250 access points to the red zone! Over 1000 italians have pledged to take to the water if the G8 are out on ships!

The feeling at the meeting was that we could be on the cusp of a major victory.

All out for Genoa!

Forum details:

• eyewitness from Gothenburg

with Guy Taylor (GR), John Sheperd (GR) and a Womble also Anna Bragga (green party) and Jonathan Neale representing the Genoa Social Forum.

Saturday 23 June
Room 3CD,
University of London Union,
Malet Street,

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SWP alert !

21.06.2001 14:08

Why are the "Wombles" getting mixed up with this weirdo outfit ?
Globalise Resistance is a front for hate filled middle class posers with a praetorian guard of the SWPs thugs and morons.
It excludes workers from playing any role, it is not socialist and is a pretty strange party.
A commentator from The Independent called Globalise Resistance the latest attempt of the SWP to colonise other people's struggles.
The SWP seems to have degenerated further since the death of its founder Tony Cliff (all due condolences, naturally).
I doubt whether Trotsky would recognise this travesty, this pastishe of a movement.

I pulled out of Glob Res. As much as I tried to work with what Murray Bookchin called "Pious little Brahmins", I felt that I could not rely on them in a crisis situation, where solidarity was paramount. I refuse to be a second class member of any organization !

Help !


21.06.2001 14:40

To clarify things: The white overalls are not part of
Globalise Resistance because of it's reformist and
liberal politicals. The meeting on Saturday will be
attended hopefully by many people who want to know
what happened. It's therefore our responsibility to represent what happened accurately, thats why we're
going to be there. And also argue for co-ordinated
street tactics in future, something globalise resistance
are against.

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Handbags at twenty paces?

21.06.2001 16:26

Girls, girls, all this bitchiness is unbecoming and really will have to stop.

Keep your eyes on the prize; we need ideas to cross fertilize if we are gonna get there. None of us have the 'right' answer, the 'right' tactics, these can only be discerned with hindsight, something that unfortunately even we don't possess.

Debate and critique = good.

Juvenile bitchiness = bad.

The Weaver


21.06.2001 22:55

What about some unity in the community. Lets just build the fucking meeting and get the truth out. Trotsky vs Bookchin can wait.

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I am sick of your condescension

22.06.2001 16:40

There are serious issues concerning your organization. remarks like "girls, girls", "handbags", ( and "now, now, children" in a previous article) merely show your blatant refusal to acknowledge the seriousness of the matter. i declare NO CONFIDENCE IN GR

Help !

Not sectarian...

22.06.2001 21:11

for a start, we are not on the same side: trotskyists are state socialists, they want to convince people that if they got in power they would somehow be different from other governments. absolute bollocks. you can not have a revolution led by a self-styled vanguard, it has to be decentralised. history has shown that when trotskyists find a movement they think they can get recruits from, the latch on to it and bleed it dry until it's dead and then they move on.

according to one of their own papers, what they want from the current movement is "a cadre of bolsheviks". they will do more harm than good, and the only useful thing they've done so far is provide prague protesters with good stout sticks. but i think it is important that anarchists and other anti-authoritarians such as the wombles go along to these things to stop people falling into the trap of the swp. most people who do join them get quickly disillusioned with all the bureaucracy and general crap that goes on preventing them ever doing anything useful, and they do far more to suppress revolutionary sentiments than most state crack downs do.

anyway, what do you mean, trotsky would have been ashamed? that is exactly what he stood for. lenin and trotsky have done some of the worst damage to both marx's ideas (he had some good ones) and communism and socialism in general than almost any other people.

Generation Terrorist
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