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%-) | 20.06.2001 17:24

Protest Naked!

A lot of people are very excited about the WOMBLES. But the WOMBLES are also run down by many people because they are:

a. In disguise
b. armoured
c. appear violent because of a and b.

Now, an alternative take would be to protest naked.
Imagine. The police have formed a cordon around a protest. Then all of a sudden, to huge cheering a line of COMPLETELY BOLLOCK NAKED people form a line facing the police. Do the police beat those naked people with truncheons whilst the BBC News 24 films it all? Are naked people threatening? No!

I think there needs to be a debate about whether naked protest is effective protest - not just protesting about the right to be body visible, but about anything.

It draws attention to you and your opinions, and many of the labels that could be hung on regular protesters just don't stick if you are in the buff (apart from being a nutter perhaps).

Anyway, is there any interest in forming a NOMBLES brigade?

No Overalls Movement Building Liberating & Effective Struggle


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20.06.2001 19:28




21.06.2001 05:07

Hmmm, this NOMBLES idea sounds rather exciting. Tell yah what, why not have the first "workshop" round at my place. There's plenty of room!

Cleo Toris

White overalls, yellow overalls, no overalls

21.06.2001 13:02

NOMBLES: great idea! They may get a battering anyway - despite film crews being there - so maybe wear a helmet and shin pads (ok, so you won't be COMPLETELY naked but the message will get across!)

White Overall / Yellow Overall / Orange Overall / Pink Overall / No Overalls: the most important thing is the solidarity of the affinity group and the detrmination to not be beaten from the street.

Can't wait to see the NOMBLES in action!

love and r@ge, iin the dying days of capitalism...


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Naked guy beaten in Gothenberg

21.06.2001 14:08

While some of us were trying to get our friends out of the convergence centre in Gothenberg we saw a naked guy try and confront the police. He was beaten back
and considering they had dogs aswell I really didn't
think it was such a great idea to daggle ANYTHING
in front of them - if you know what I mean.

The great padded one


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