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Gothenburg in PDF

Sheffield Mayday | 20.06.2001 16:45

First hand account of Gothenburg EU protest available in PDF

The distortion and untruths about what happened in Gothenburg is extreme. To help to redress the balance there is a first hand account of Gothenburg at the Sheffield Mayday web site. This is the account by Inge Johannson, a member of a political rock band from Stockholm. If you haven't seen this already its well worth reading - giving a background to the event and what happened through the eyes of one activist.

This kind of news needs to get out so we've turned this article into a PDF file so it can be printed and spread around.

It's 6 pages long, but very readable.
webpage is at:

OR the PDF version:

Print out and spread amongst friends, relatives, cafes whereever.



Sheffield Mayday
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