animalrightsarmy | 19.06.2001 22:42
Dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, and ferrets, among others are burned, maimed, poked, prodded, and injected with poison. This is the reality of lab science for Proctor and Gamble. In 1997 evidence of misuse of animals was apparent to the public through a video released by the animal rights group In Defense of Animals. This video displayed a horrific scene of nasal decongestant being tested on a monkey and the unacceptable behavior of scientists. Since the videos release P&G has stopped contracting to outside labs and privatized their research at two centers in the Cincinnati area: Miami Valley Laboratories and the Health Care Research Center.
For the past 10 years animal rights activists have protested the use of animals in Proctor and Gambles research and development programs and for the past 10 years P&G has loop holed and fooled the public exclaiming that they are changing.
The Radical Animal Rights Army (RA.R.A) is issuing this call for a mass demonstration, using and respecting a diversity of tactics, to coincide with the Global Day of Action against Proctor and Gamble organized by In Defense of Animals of California and Uncaged of England.
In the light of lies and manipulation by the Proctor and Gamble Company, the Radical Animal Rights Army (R.A.R.A) proclaim the following demands to P&G:
1) A halt to the development of new ingredients, which require animal testing. The use of ingredients with an established safety record that didn’t require animal testing.
2) The Proctor and Gamble Company must recognize that animals are not the same as humans both physically and mentally and the data gained from animal tests is useless.
3) Public disclosure of all animal-testing procedures used for the last 10 years and the full amount of animals used for these tests.
4) Since animal sanctuaries exist we declare all animals in P&G labs prisoners and demand full release of these animals to these sanctuaries.
5) If P&G does not comply with these demands we ask for full access to labs and that a separate review panel be incepted to insure the rights of the animals locked up.
We are asking for groups, organizations, labor unions, collectives, affinity groups, and concerned individuals too sign onto this call and put the pressure on P&G to stop the exploitation of animals for human profit and greed. We will assure that traveling people will be accommodated and provided with food as well as have a say in the actions that take place for the Global Day in Cincinnati.
For animals and humans alike - Put Freedom FIRST!!
Animal Rights Army
animalrightsarmy@hotmail.com for more information
Dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, and ferrets, among others are burned, maimed, poked, prodded, and injected with poison. This is the reality of lab science for Proctor and Gamble. In 1997 evidence of misuse of animals was apparent to the public through a video released by the animal rights group In Defense of Animals. This video displayed a horrific scene of nasal decongestant being tested on a monkey and the unacceptable behavior of scientists. Since the videos release P&G has stopped contracting to outside labs and privatized their research at two centers in the Cincinnati area: Miami Valley Laboratories and the Health Care Research Center.
For the past 10 years animal rights activists have protested the use of animals in Proctor and Gambles research and development programs and for the past 10 years P&G has loop holed and fooled the public exclaiming that they are changing.
The Radical Animal Rights Army (RA.R.A) is issuing this call for a mass demonstration, using and respecting a diversity of tactics, to coincide with the Global Day of Action against Proctor and Gamble organized by In Defense of Animals of California and Uncaged of England.
In the light of lies and manipulation by the Proctor and Gamble Company, the Radical Animal Rights Army (R.A.R.A) proclaim the following demands to P&G:
1) A halt to the development of new ingredients, which require animal testing. The use of ingredients with an established safety record that didn’t require animal testing.
2) The Proctor and Gamble Company must recognize that animals are not the same as humans both physically and mentally and the data gained from animal tests is useless.
3) Public disclosure of all animal-testing procedures used for the last 10 years and the full amount of animals used for these tests.
4) Since animal sanctuaries exist we declare all animals in P&G labs prisoners and demand full release of these animals to these sanctuaries.
5) If P&G does not comply with these demands we ask for full access to labs and that a separate review panel be incepted to insure the rights of the animals locked up.
We are asking for groups, organizations, labor unions, collectives, affinity groups, and concerned individuals too sign onto this call and put the pressure on P&G to stop the exploitation of animals for human profit and greed. We will assure that traveling people will be accommodated and provided with food as well as have a say in the actions that take place for the Global Day in Cincinnati.
For animals and humans alike - Put Freedom FIRST!!
Animal Rights Army
