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Stop Press: Chomsky Speaks Tonight, Radio 3

P Layton | 19.06.2001 15:13

Prof Chomsky, who needs noam introduction to Indy readers, will be talking about radical linguistics and media propaganda on BBC Radio 3 FM (the classical station) at 21:30- 22:15 tonight

So it says in the TV guide anyway !
Happy listening.

P Layton


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90-93 FM

19.06.2001 18:01

You can never have enough Chomsky - I'll tape it and then hopefully in the future when I figure out how to use CoolEdit I'll make it into an MP3 file for uploading to

"Richard Coles talks to leading American thinker Noam Chomsky. A renowned professor of linguistics and commentator on American foreign policy, he talks about a range of topics from the innateness of language to US intervention in the developing world and the propaganda role of corporate media."

I have to tape it anyway, there's a documentary about why hard drugs should be legalised on Channel 4 at 21:00 - unmissable :)

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20.06.2001 01:31

OK people check it out:

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