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genoa get there early city to be closed

@ | 19.06.2001 02:46

From Umanita Nova redazione torinese
Date Mon, 18 Jun 2001 ________________________________________________
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
It's all true.
The italian/french border at Ventimiglia will be closed and also the other borders will be strictly controlled.
For more detail wrote to
or phone to 338 6594361
Anarchist Against G8



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Indy on the News

19.06.2001 10:52

A web-page from Indymedia, was shown on Ch4 News last night 7.30pm, called VIOLENCE and TACTICS. They quoted,"Marlon from America, says attacks on property should be done continuously in secret." I posted a comment after him, can't remember what I wrote, probably "Kill Illuminati" or something. But remember, they are watching, and they will use what you say, against you.


you're surprised?

19.06.2001 17:41

I don't think anyone should be surprised that indymedia is watched and used by the powers that think they are. what's more surprising to me is how ignorant various actrivists and politicos in this country are of the purpose of our government's GCHQ, also involvement in Echelon - the worldwide Anglo-Saxon listening system which monitors all electronic commununication using a list of 2-300 key words, and now the RIP bill... and it's only going to get more big brotherly as the technology and storage space improves.
get wise!
but don't let paranoia get in your way...
