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Gothenburg police terror tactics create refugees

From Bristol | 19.06.2001 00:11

The police have carried out their tasks in an absolutely fabulous way' quote on radio 4 news at 7pm from Swedish Head of Police?
Justifiction for using live rounds was that: 'they had a very difficult job to do.'

We are people who have travelled from across Europé to protest against the
European Union Summit, and the visit of the illegitimate president of the
United States, George Bush, which are taking place in Gothenburg over the
following days.

We are being forced to abandon the place where we have been staying, the
Hvitfeldska Gymnasium, as this morning there was an unnannounced attempt to
forcefully enter the building by several hundred fully equipped and armed
riot police. We do not consider ourselves to be safe in this building, as it
is the site of intense political repression on unarmed individuals and
groups who are coming to assert our political views. We do not believe that
we are safe in this school, as we are isolated from wider societey there.
Neither do we believe that we will be allowed to exercise our right to
protest tomorrow at the EU summit, if we remain. As such, we are political
refugees, and have no other option but to leave.

The police are attempting to label us as terrorists, but we are simply
attempting to exercise our political rights, and seeking to build
alternatives to the current genocidal capitalist world system. We are not
armed, but actively exert the right to protecting our bodies and property
>from police attacks. It is the police who are the terrorists. An essential
part of the current global order, defined by the EU and George Bush, and
other institutions, such as the Word Bank, the World Trade Organisation and
NATO, is to attempt to criminalise dissent, through repression and violence.
State repression is an essential part of this system, and we do not accept

As a result of this, we are going to sleep in a public place in the centre
of Gothenburg, and we call upon people in Gothenburg to offer us active
protection from the political repression we are suffering. We also call on
social movements, the media and other groups to support and protect our and
your political rights to organise politically.

From Bristol


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"You've Been Set Up!"

19.06.2001 00:46

Dear "Persecuted Ones"; As I explained in my "They Probably Trip Blind People Too!" comment after "Blair Says Anarchists Will Not Stop Us" Id=47083 on; England is the "control center" for a perverted form of Zionism that was planned for a long time ago in the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion available via Their plans called for the appearance of the anarchists; thus you should have moved on the first anarchists to throw rocks, for they set you up. The lawless powers-that-be are terrified of the "Dwelling of Violence" Id= 44378 coming back on their own heads. "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit" says the Lord Almighty in Zechariah 4:6. Some of the Lord's people are going to pick up the sword never to put it down even though they must die by it. The lawlessness will come to them. By bringing the lawlessness on yourself by doing something lawless, your best option now is to run like hell. I have had six or seven articles hidden in England by these lawless ones; thus is the best place to seek me. You might have saved the day by relying on singing "..One for Bush" Id=36001, a hymn of praise that would drive them crazy. When you praise, you can't complain. You have to accept that your mouths and actions have gotten you in something that was deeper than you thought. They want you any way that they can get you, and you played into their hands by listening to foolishness. Good luck and God bless.

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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19.06.2001 10:39

The EU members have declared that extremists will be neutralised. That's a bit extreme!


Go to hell Fascists

19.06.2001 11:54

Stop using violence otherwise all people wi9ll be strongly against you.

90% of the people in Swden supports their job to protect the democrazy against organisations like yours

Hans Nordin
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