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Marlin in Seattle | 17.06.2001 21:21

What is the proper way to use violence in our struggle for emancipation?

Marlin in Seattle


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war of the flea...

18.06.2001 01:00

...must become swarm of the bee.
If enough people raise enough funds in cyberspace or anyplace then the most violent members of the states repressive forces may have a warning shot sent by their ear.The lapd swarm like european wasps at the 1st sign of trouble,we can learn from and improve on their response time.


Sad losers

18.06.2001 11:36

Well you really are for democarcy arn't you? You want to be violent just because you disagree with something. Well I disagree with you, so does that mean I cam lob a brick though your window (If so, please publish your address so that those who do disagree can, its what capitalist do, its called being accountable). Isn'nt that what the Nazis did to the jews just after the national socalist party came to power. Your the same people just in different shirts. They thought they were right as well.

Just a personal message, get a life, which for most of you will mean getting a job and stop being parasites of us capitalists.

I realise I will get a lot of abuse for this, (thats fine). But plaes do not edit this message, free speach is even more important than capitalism.


mail e-mail:


18.06.2001 13:03

The Third World is kept in abject poverty, to stoke up your capitalist utopia, but you're alright Sol, that's all that's important.



18.06.2001 21:02

erm..who saw this post on the news?



23.06.2001 16:31

I did, thats pretty good, but I fifn't see the story to go with it, so I don't know how they actually showed it. Negative or positive. But at least they are aware people have views.

Just a word to Sol: You complain about the people who come to this site don't have lives...then what are you doing on the net at 4:30AM?

But again its good to hear views as it helps create more informed ideas overall.
