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Photo of injured protester

Matthew Jacobs | 16.06.2001 19:43

a jpg i found on the russian imc, which i have seen nowhere else, so thought it might not have got round all the imcs

Photo of injured protester
Photo of injured protester

I found this picture on the Russian Indymedia Page

can't read cyrillic so i'm not quite sure of the exact story behind it (except i am pretty sure that it is from Gothenburg, hence the filename), but it definitely looks nasty though!

Quite honestly, no matter how much martyrs can be good for a cause (and lets just hope it doesn't get to that stage), what happened yesterday is an unforgivable crime. I only hope that we can stop the "world leaders" from covering it up, and stop the police from playing up the "self-defense" issue which they will undoubtedly do.

Matthew Jacobs


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its also on germany-imc

17.06.2001 05:26

it shows the victim of the sooting


You have 5 seconds to comply

18.06.2001 01:10

Yes, this is the guy who got shot for daring to demand that the elite global leaders stop destroying the planet and causing untold suffering to the 'developing' nations. That's an offence punishable by roadside execution!


Shot in the back

20.06.2001 12:24

The picture clearly shows an entry wound in the protester's back.

Self defence would be hard to argue in this case, were the policeman ever to be prosecuted. Which we all know he won't.


Police shooting

21.06.2001 05:00

The police officers are today concidered heroes in Sweden. Their is absolutely no symphaty for the three people (or terrorist as they describe them) who got shot. It's important to make a differens between they who were their to demonstrate and the others who their just to demage as much as they could. In my view they can't blame the police for being shoot.

John Ericsson

Between the lines

22.06.2001 16:30

I noticed on a TV news report about the protestor shot at Gothenburg that the commentary plainly contradicted the images. Do you think this could be a subtle way of subverting the message that the police always tell the truth?

Of course the media would never explicitly say that the police lie but they showed the demonstrator throwing a stone that fell well short of the police line, and at the same time said “the police said that he was shot after throwing a stone that hit a policeman in the face”

I remember something similar on J18 when the film showed a woman being run down by a police vehicle. Again the commentary said that police stated that they had reversed over her and couldn’t see her when it was clear to see that she was in front of the vehicle when they mowed her down.

R Lewis

Chris you fool

27.06.2001 14:49

What you clearly see is in fact the EXIT wound.
The ENTRY wound hit his stomach and split the liver and as the bullet tumbled it hit the kidney and then exited at the back as you see.

In a picture not published her taken by another IMC agent
you can see the entry wound big as a one pound coin.

doctor zjivago

babylon is gonna get ya!

29.06.2001 11:29

i'm not surprised. these bastards want blood. they like it. "uuh, how nice. i shoot the junkie. who's the man?!". their mothers were rodents.

mail e-mail:

Is he dead or not?

21.08.2001 10:57

It's the 21st of August and we still don't know if the protester is dead or not! They say that he has survived - but that's all we know... What's the truth? ANd moreover: during demonstreations in GEnoa, it was told that there are three people dead: Juliani, a spanish woman in the borders and one more protester who was taken to a hospital. DOes ANYBODY knows for sure what is going on?
