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Blair: Anarchists will not stop us

BBC | 16.06.2001 16:05

Tony Blair has promised that the violence that has marred the EU summit in Gothenburg will not disrupt democracy.
The prime minister attacked the demonstrations, blaming an "anarchists' travelling circus" for the violence, which injured at least two protesters after police fired guns at the crowd.



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Blair is scum

17.06.2001 10:44

Not only is Blair scum, he is wrong to say that violent protest has no part to play in a democracy. What about the suffragettes who smashed up Oxford street shop windows with hammers, to get publicity for their cause? What about the uprisings in South Africa?

Guy Fawkes

Democracy? What democracy?

17.06.2001 12:03

What I find surprising is that nobody has yet commented on the hypocrisy displayed by Blair and the Swedish PM - both throw their hands up in horror at the violence (as do I, but for different reasons - Gandhi's reasons!) and yell out 'THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY' in their own twisted fashion.

What they fail to mention is all the decisions being taken by them and their tiny elite ilk (WTO, ERT, TABD, OECD etc etc) behind closed doors that mean life, death or ongoing misery to the majority on this planet - a majority that has quite demonstrably rejected their neo-liberalist greed and pwoer games. THESE men are the enemies of democracy NOT the peaceful protesters!

It is time big business and its front men has its claws removed.

Peace and good health to all who wish to live lightly on this benighted planet,


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Fony Blare and the Dick Heads

17.06.2001 18:27

Fony Blare and the Dick Heads (english)

Isidor to Fony Blare: anarchists are going to kick your glow-ballistic butt all over town!!

Here's a sample:

On Feb. 22, 2001, Ottawa, Canada,

Prime Sinister Fony Blare of GREAT GREAT BRITAIN, sounded off like a Mad Cow in heat with his happy finger on the trigger. GREAT GREAT GREAT Prime Sinister of glorious GREAT GREAT BRITAIN, home of distinguished master bullies for over 500 years, was prancing around like a cocky spaniel in his role as multi-national power broker for her majesty's kingdom. Yes My Lord, the material interests of the old boys club were very righteously defended without expectancy of any debate or opposition whatsoever! It is simply a song and dance that they have been rehearsing for so long,
that it has become an official truth, an absolute obvious fact for all to recognize as self-evident.

Fony Blare plays the role of alpha wolf, a leader among the pack of wolverines, hyenas, killer apes and rabid badgers that assemble there in the House of Morons to squabble over bones and bicker over money.

They just keep on dumping their age old prejudices and blatant arrogant ignorance on the bewildered younger generations who desperately try, to no avail, to make sense of this monumental farce of cosmic proportions...

You are given permission to dismiss such self glorified peacocks as ideologically retarded robots of the archaic lunatic fringe, maintaining the trance through their incessant barrage of inanities, insanities and inhumanities.

THEY, Fony Blare, Bush Daddy, Duck Chainy, Johnny Cretin, George Wonderful Bush, etc...are drunken captains at the disintegrating wheels of Titanic Paper Empires...Monsters of the deep unconscious, spreading collective diseases...Clamoring daily for their undeserved dose of media attention...

Smiling pathetically in a quest for some form of loyal sympathy...Begging for consolation in the face of their true powerlessness to stop the mess from proliferating...

Hoping silently to be recognized as some model of noble statesmanship in spite of it all...

Wishing for acknowledgment of their royal status and finally...

Not getting it.

THEIR worried minds disassociate from their sold out souls as they pursue THEIR endless parade down Drowning Street to the Black House, the Hall of Shame of Mediocracy.

THEY are beyond redemption, beyond detoxification, beyond the point of no return...way beyond mere contempt. They are terrified pip squeaks of pomp and ceremony who need massive armies of homicidal robots to impose their atrocious lies about freedom and democracy, a subject they know nothing about. They live in a fantasy land of complete and utter absurdity. This is the result of having become addicted to cashisch and the world of servants and serfs that come with it. They are of utmost unimportance and most people don't even suspect it.

May THEY loose their jobs, respect and power to demonize and criminalize the true defenders of freedom and democracy. THEY must be terminated. THEY must be disconnected them from their support system: our collective ignorance, gullibility and fear. In Truth, we don't need THEM. We only need them out of the way. Who still does not know who THEY are? THEY have all the guns, tanks, arse-nals, money, protection, police, armies, insurance, pensions, prestige, mainstream media attention, serfs and gullible zombies...all at their bewildered service.

We, the poor and awakened minority, have our hearts, minds and our conscience.
Our courage, inspiration and knowledge should overcome their entrenched absurdity.
The only question: do we have enough time to awaken the gullible zombies BEFORE the Old New Ordure (ONO) cracks up completely in a desperate attempt to crack down on the True Soldiers of Freedom and Democracy.


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