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Activists to make Emergency protest at Swedish Embassy

globalise resistance - S/London | 15.06.2001 21:48

Emergency protest called at Swedish Embassy in London - Saturday 16/6, 12noon, at Montague Street, nr British Museum, Goodge St. tube

Globalise Resistance activists have called an emergency protest at the Swedish Embassy in London after police have used guns and dogs on anti-capitalist demonstrators in Gothenburg.
12 noon, Montague Street, nr british museum. Goodge st tube.

globalise resistance - S/London
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Hide the following 14 comments

check your a-zs first

16.06.2001 12:01

globalise Resistance should check the a-z before giving out calls for demos. The Swedish embassy is in Montagu, not Montague St.


Where was the fuckin demo?!

16.06.2001 13:16

The Swedish Embassy is in MONTAGU place (no 'e'), off Gloucester Place, nr BAKER STREET, not the british Museum.
So everyone got confused and the demo didn't happen!When I turned up to the embassy, no one was there. So PLEASE get the facts right next time.
Lets do it on Monday , yeah?

Pissed off

swedish embassy

16.06.2001 13:44

Swedish Embassy is at 11, Montagu Place. Nearest tubes Marble Arch or Baker Street. Or contact;
Phone No: 020 7917 6400
Fax No: 020 7917 6475

Swedish Trade Council is at
73 Welbeck Street London W1G 0AL
Tel. +44 20 7935 9601
Fax +44 20 7935 4130


Letter to the swedish embassy

16.06.2001 14:10

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am truly appalled that the most progressive country in Europe should be the first to open fire on unarmed demonstrators with live ammunition!

Does nobody in your government understand the depth of feeling throughout Europe (and the World for that matter) over what is perceived as gross criminality and compete disregard for the populace being exhibited by these neo-liberalist politicians?

These protests are being carried out for the most part by people of conscience who can no longer tolerate the venal and moral bankruptcy being forced upon us all by misguided leaders, unrepresentative of their respective peoples, hellbent on corporate profit at any cost - including the loss of the very air we all breathe.

I am sickened and disgusted by the behaviour of your so-called 'forces of law and order'. My view of Sweden has undergone a cataclysmic jolt.

Yours most sincerely,

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Solidarity on Monday

17.06.2001 13:23

There was a bit of a mix up with the address, but between 40 and 50 of us made it there in the pouring rain and marked our solidarity with the Gothenburg protesters for about an hour. There will be a more organised demo on Monday at 4.30, so please come along (especially those who don't want to stand behind a GR banner !)


Letter to the swedish embassy II

17.06.2001 17:03

Dear Sir/Madam,

I truly sorry and disgusted by the violence protestors used during the Gothenburg 2001 event, and I hope the injured policemen will recover from this acts of violence imposed on them. I also wish to give my support to the policeman who had to use live ammunition to save his colleague from being attacked. He did what he had to do in order to protect himself.

I wish to give the Swedish Government my full support in their actions, and I suggest that you are to see to that the professional protesters do not have the chance to do it again, since they clearly showed that they couldn’t be trusted with being civilized people.

I am proud to see the peaceful nation of Sweden protect that peace by using the police to save innocent people from danger.

Best regards,


Jerome Morrow
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- Homepage: http://www.vä

Letter to the Swedish embassy

17.06.2001 19:30

To the Ambassador
So now the democratic government shoots unarmed demonstrators, like the repressive regimes of the global south propped up by the EU and other inter-governmental institutions.
We will not rest until the until the last bureaucrat is strung up by the guts of the last capitalist.
For a free humanity.
West London Anarchists & Radicals

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worthless scum

17.06.2001 20:13

You are worth less than animals. Destroying a peacfull city like Goteborg. To bad we didnt have real weapons to take care of your mob. Next time all off sweden will unite and strike back at you. We will kick your ass back back to under the rock were you came from.



Go fuck yourself

17.06.2001 23:24

I have had enuff of this shit!!!! You are the worthless
pieces of shit, you are the fucking sheep believing the
lies of the capitalist media. Enough is Enough! We
have had it with these reaction fuckwits and all media
scum which hav escalated the repression of
anti-capitalists and anarchist. be warned we will not
tolerate attacks against ourselves from police, fascists,
reactionary members of the 'public' or politicians. You
will all reap on what you sow.


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communist bastards

18.06.2001 18:52

rott in hell chickens. You dont even dare to show your faces. Afraid that your mum will know what you do? Atleast nazihooligans arent afraid to show their faces when they riot. Who gave you the rights to throw rocks at restaurants and burn their furniture?



18.06.2001 22:39

Unfortunately your arguement has exposed what many of my friends have told me of Sweden's far right being popular why do you support one form of violence but are appaulled by another? Why do you wish to harm people for being violent
doesn't that kind of contradict the point? Or are you just so bored that you have nothing else better to do than write complete shit and then post it here? Besides the fascists do cover their faces with riot helmets.


my comment

19.06.2001 17:31

my last comment here beccauce i dont want to spend any more telephone costs on you. The swedish police had numbers on their helmets. That isnt hiding. But the regular rioters had no numbers on them. I am not right wing. I spend most of my time in the political center


Oh Mattep

22.06.2001 07:05


Read some books

Get laid

Put down Mein Kampf

Smell the pines on a beautiful morning

Realise that the people who got injured (and may have died) did it for love

Abhor hate - it's late

Don't support proxies - if you hate us so much and you're so brave come and fight us with your own fists. Paying taxes to security forces don't make you a hero

Mourn the passing of your own little version of freedom, because believe me, it's coming.

Wake up Mattep the storm is upon us
