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firefighters in genoa support demonstrators

noel | 15.06.2001 14:39

firefighters in genoa support demonstrators

Solidarity with comrades in Gotenburg!

Here's a great little story from Genoa:

Firefighters in Genoa have been asked to train the police in high pressure hosing. The firefighters’ response - they are striking on 20 July saying ‘Our organisation is ready to fight any imposition which forces firefighters to carry out public order duties against people demonstrating against the summit"’

noel x

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this is EXTREMELY significant

15.06.2001 14:59

this is crucial. when organised workers start to support the movement (especially a group like firemen, who are almost as well equipped as any police !) we see a fundamental change in the equation.

i hope that the workers of London, whose organizations lamentably failed to support Mayday, take note.

Fleur du Mal

Genoa taking the brunt

15.06.2001 15:17

I agree, this is great... it seems that the people of Genoa, despite the press and police attempting to whip up hysteria are not impressed by the militarization of their city, nor should they be.


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15.06.2001 19:10

Great! Now how about police unions getting on board.

Joe Canuck

In Seattle..

15.06.2001 23:46

the firefighters refused to be part of the police responce. The mayor called the fire chief every day begging him to put his people on the line and hose down the demonstrators. It was the end of November so it would have made people quite cold. The union refused so the chief had to also. Firefighters (and police) rely on public support to do their jobs.

Earnst Miesner

the filth will never join us

16.06.2001 15:09

do not confuse the firefighters with the police. the fire fighters are ordinary workers who protect ordinary workers from fire. they have always been fairly radical and in some cases have taken on the police (in france when the went on strike the police blew one of their comrades hands off with a stun grenade, and they responded by hosing the police down). the police on the other hand are the lackeys of the ruling-class. of course, if we can persuade individuals to leave police force, that's another thing althogther....

Generation Terrorist
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