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Cannabis March in London - Saturday 16th

Anonymous | 15.06.2001 01:35

Information on this Saturday's Cannabis legalisation march in London.

Cannabis Carnival March & Festival, Sat 16th June, London. Infoline: 0207 637 7467.
More information + updates at - Please forward to anyone you think might be interested.
Cannabis Carnival timetable: London Sat June 16.

* 12 noon - Carnival March to End the Prohibition of Cannabis: Assemble in Kennington Park - Oval Tube. Departs 1.00 pm sharp to Brockwell Park, Brixton. Sound system floats by Lloyd Coxsone & Sunnyside plus samba band & puppets (including Ann Widdecombe). Bring spirit, humour, banners, drums, your voice, to celebrate, remonstrate and 'dance on the grave of Cannabis Prohibition' through Brixton to the Cannabis Freedom Festival. Everyone counts.

* 2 pm - 8.00pm - Cannabis Freedom Festival, Brockwell Park, Brixton: Free (99p) entrance for bands, sound systems, food, drink and cannabis related stalls including hemp beer, hemp ice cream, Hemp Expo, Medical Cannabis Marquee, clothes, speakers tent, amazing kids area, comedy, performers, information and celebration.

More information at the web-site:

- Homepage: