DC Fall IMF Protest Information
Horst Kohler | 14.06.2001 19:31
Hello, my name is Horst Kohler. I am the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. Today, I would like to take full advantage of this website to extend a very warm invitation to all social activists worldwide.
This September 28th through October 4th, our organization will be meeting at our headquarters in Washington D.C. to discuss how to better control the world and enslave third world populations. We would be happy if all of you concerned with our policies were to come and disrupt our meetings. We get pretty bored sitting around in a conference room full of people like myself! Sometimes it adds a little spice to our agenda if we have to worry about how to get back to our ten-star hotels without having to come into contact with crowds of informed angry people. It is also exhilarating when we are unintentionally exposed to trace amounts of the stinging air that we will ensure you all have plenty of.
I hope to see thousands of you there. After all, my body has become desensitized to viagra and they say that fear is an aphrodisiac! Man, I can?t wait to find out if that?s true?my good buddy Dubya always sets me up with a couple of DC?s finest call girls.
Anyway, let me know if you can make for our meeting. I?ll see if I can set assign each and every one of you your very own riot cop and jail cell. But just don?t come with thoughts of revolution. We hate that! All little fear is enough, I don?t want to have to wear my Depends undergarments again!
God?s superior creation,
Horst Kohler
IMF Contacts
Current policy does not permit the publication of individual staff members' telephone numbers or e-mail addresses (we have been receiving a few nasty threats over the past 50 years). Please contact staff members through the telephone operator (202-623-7000) to request his or her e-mail address. For specific inquiries , please use the addresses and telephone numbers listed below.
International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431
Telephone Operator: (202) 623-7000 Fax: (202) 623-4661
Annual Meeting inquiries:
Tel: (202) 473-7272
Fax: (202) 623-4100
General inquiries:
Tel: (202) 623-7300
Fax: (202) 623-6278
Office in Europe
64-66, Avenue d?lena
75116 Paris, France
Tel: (33-1) 40 69 30 70
Fax: (33-1) 47 23 40 89
Office in Geneva
58, Rue de Moillebeau
1209 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (41-22) 918 03 00
Fax: (41-22) 918 03 03
Please click the link below to visit our enemy's website.
I hope to see thousands of you there. After all, my body has become desensitized to viagra and they say that fear is an aphrodisiac! Man, I can?t wait to find out if that?s true?my good buddy Dubya always sets me up with a couple of DC?s finest call girls.
Anyway, let me know if you can make for our meeting. I?ll see if I can set assign each and every one of you your very own riot cop and jail cell. But just don?t come with thoughts of revolution. We hate that! All little fear is enough, I don?t want to have to wear my Depends undergarments again!
God?s superior creation,
Horst Kohler
IMF Contacts
Current policy does not permit the publication of individual staff members' telephone numbers or e-mail addresses (we have been receiving a few nasty threats over the past 50 years). Please contact staff members through the telephone operator (202-623-7000) to request his or her e-mail address. For specific inquiries , please use the addresses and telephone numbers listed below.
International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431
Telephone Operator: (202) 623-7000 Fax: (202) 623-4661
Annual Meeting inquiries:
Tel: (202) 473-7272
Fax: (202) 623-4100

General inquiries:
Tel: (202) 623-7300
Fax: (202) 623-6278

Office in Europe
64-66, Avenue d?lena
75116 Paris, France
Tel: (33-1) 40 69 30 70
Fax: (33-1) 47 23 40 89
Office in Geneva
58, Rue de Moillebeau
1209 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (41-22) 918 03 00
Fax: (41-22) 918 03 03
Please click the link below to visit our enemy's website.
Horst Kohler