New police crackdown backed by Blair.
Thomas Paine | 13.06.2001 13:44
Top politicians and big business will be discussing the need for harder police crackdowns and 'greater internal security' at a meeting being held in Edingburgh from 19th to the 22nd of July this year.
Tony Blair has sent a personal message of support to a meeting between top politicians and civil servants - such as the director-general of the national criminals intelligence service and the secretary-general of NATO - and big business representatives from such companies as Shell, BP, EDS, you name 'em, if they're evil, they'll be there.
The discussion is about 'internal security' in the face of what Blair calls 'darker forces' seeking to undermine globalisation and the 'establishment'. Highly reccomend you take a look at the website -
- but just to give you a taste of what being talked about at this meeting, here's a couple of quotes:
Structural Responses and Reforms:
The shift in emphasis from external defence to *internal security* in line with the non-traditional threats is a major transformation and requires new thinking at senior levels; even internal security requires the development of effective international co-operation. The possible need for revised force structures *(military, paramilitary, police)* to cope with future challenges, particularly in multi-national and cross-border arrangements, as well as post-conflict scenarios, is one which raises key policy questions. There are also issues surrounding the integration of security and law-enforcement structures to tackle the new threats. *Business opportunities* and the need for *greater public/private co-operation* in combating the growing array of threats will be essential topics.
[another quote]:
Migration and Security:
Migration, both mass and illegal, will go on being a major problem for many governments in the future. This will be coupled with demographic changes within countries that will lead to indigenous problems surrounding either the unemployed young or the vulnerable aged. **The growing wealth gap and those who feel disenfranchised may spawn new levels of violence and crime.**
Human trafficking and illegal slave labour are other manifestations. *!* Closing borders and greater internal security are but two options. *!* These issues will be analysed in depth and options for handling the developing crises will be proposed and argued. The implications will be relevant to both policy makers and security practitioners.
Thomas Paine