[hidden]"Bloody Church of England"
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 12.06.2001 15:30
"How Many Messiahs You Got.." Id=46236 over there? The removal of "Columbine Exposed" UK IMC Id=1033 yesterday is probably proof that England is a stronghold of Messiah-wannabes.
Dear UK: Your censors have made clear that England is a stronghold of Jewish Zionism, especially when they called me antisemitic without defining what a Semite is. Since World War II was probably little more than a stage for Jewish Zionism, it is about time that you looked into what your role has been. Did the Jews get bombed in World War II? As you can find in the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion available on www.google.com.; most of the inhabitants of Israel in the Middle East are probably not true Jews. Most of them have probably concentrated on infiltrating and subjugating Christian churches. Funny thing is that "Jesus Christ" is a title more than it is a name (Matthew 1:21 & Luke 2:11). Thus any of these Zionist leaders who have been central in promoting the lies of this distorted form of Zionism are in line to become Messiahs, i.e. Jesus Christ: the Messiah who saves his people. England was probably also central in the relocation of the "Supreme "Narky".." Id=31749 and the Storm Troopers of Germany to the U.S. to form the "Storm Troopers of America" i.e those who murdered JFK, who they called the Jesus Freak Kid and those who have waged a "Silent Murder Epidemic" Id=24603 and a "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 & 27166. The "Contrived Organized Stupidity" Id=5638 UK IMC of brain-damaged "Coprophagists" Id=32589 has made all this possible, so it shouldn't be too hard to reign them in.
The media is one big communication glitch that has covered up the murders of innocent people; thus they will fall into their own trap when the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 brings their own lawlessness back on their own heads. If their own lawless compatriots make them into Messiahs and hang them on trees; that is their destiny, for the media is the reason that their own lawless compatriots can disappear and "No Body is Going to do Nothing about It" Id=41739. Their censoring my articles over there is doing little more than making more Messiahs. The removal of the article on Columbine is a sign of disrespect for the fallen ones of America's Israel, a holy nation. Keep an eye on the lawless ones for the day when they will all be gathered to the "Love Festivals of Hooterville" Id=29190 or whatever else you have dreamed up for them. Hasta luego, adios.
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
The media is one big communication glitch that has covered up the murders of innocent people; thus they will fall into their own trap when the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 brings their own lawlessness back on their own heads. If their own lawless compatriots make them into Messiahs and hang them on trees; that is their destiny, for the media is the reason that their own lawless compatriots can disappear and "No Body is Going to do Nothing about It" Id=41739. Their censoring my articles over there is doing little more than making more Messiahs. The removal of the article on Columbine is a sign of disrespect for the fallen ones of America's Israel, a holy nation. Keep an eye on the lawless ones for the day when they will all be gathered to the "Love Festivals of Hooterville" Id=29190 or whatever else you have dreamed up for them. Hasta luego, adios.
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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13.06.2001 15:23
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13.06.2001 17:19
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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