Nora Nobody | 07.06.2001 17:48
So you went to vote today?
So did Nora Nobody. I tell you, these voting slips ain't even worth the paper they're written on. Did anybody find a voting slip made from recycled paper? Nah, neither did I...
As an example of how disposable this pantomine election has become, Bristol's Vote Nobody party were offered a bunch of voting slips for sale in a pub...we kid you not...
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So did Nora Nobody. I tell you, these voting slips ain't even worth the paper they're written on. Did anybody find a voting slip made from recycled paper? Nah, neither did I...
As an example of how disposable this pantomine election has become, Bristol's Vote Nobody party were offered a bunch of voting slips for sale in a pub...we kid you not...
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Nora Nobody
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"Stupidity Rules!"
07.06.2001 18:43
I took this censorship matter to the international level via "Anit-Semite? Tell Me if You Know!" Id=44851 and "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 on You should consider that England is raising a "crop" of lawless ones just like "IMC's "Crop" of Anarchists" Id=45249. England has a crucial role described in the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; thus you should be sure to peruse their contents. Although they might start wars, foment riots, or hang people in England to try keep the Dwelling of Violence from coming back on their own heads; all you have to do is concentrate on getting them to fall into their own traps. The creative nonviolenc that they have used to promote evil is the same that will bring them down. See "Good is "Bad" and Bad is "Good"; Creative NonViolence" Id=33468, for their CNV is a twisted version of God's CNV; and the Bible is where they got CNV from. Be sure not to discuss the contents of my writings, for they are probably targetting those who mention me or the concerns that I address.
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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Victory for Apathy
08.06.2001 08:59
Landslide Victory
08.06.2001 09:51
The majority group chose not to vote at all for the corrupt electoral system.
No longer will the police be able to claim that they are carrying out the will of the majority because the largest group of people chose not to vote at all.
You sinical old git
08.06.2001 14:06
Interference FM
12.06.2001 12:09
I‚ve just read one of the e-mails praising Interference FM and feel obligated to write something about the busting of it last night as no-one has done it yet (I guess everyone will be quite busy trying to sort things out).
Last night at Kebele, while other people were celebrating the end of a memorable Vote Nobody campaign with Conflict, Kebele‚s café was open as it is every Thursday. This evening we didn‚t have our usual music on but we had tuned ˆfinally- into Interference FM. Suddenly, after some hours, Interference FM was taken over by a commercial radio station: Eagle FM, property of the local media monopoly Evening Pest. Interference FM wasn‚t affecting Eagle FM‚s space as this station has a wide frequency -from 106 to 108- and Interference FM was just on 109. We didn‚t
know it yet but Interference FM had been busted.
Later on some of the Interference lot arrived at Kebele telling us what had happened.
The transmitter was broadcasting from the roof of one of their houses. Members of the Radio-communication Agency had spotted the pirate radio, so they issued an order to seize the equipment and after spotting the transmitter with their detectors (!!!), turned up in the house in company of police officers. Obviously, this guy is facing serious trouble and will have some court papers sent to him soon. He was also at Kebele trying to find some legal advice. He needs our support.
The seizure of Interference FM ˆthe second one in a not very long history- is quite significant: it proves the power of Interference‚s message and the real censorship existing in this bogus democracy. As everyone knows in Bristol, Interference is not the only radio but there are others broadcasting on regular basis and even daily (Passion, etc) ˆthey are eventually busted but usually they enjoy an easier life.
Why Interference just after a few hours of broadcasting? Because it was election day and since the morning it was spitting rage on the waves about this hypocritical system. It was encouraging citizens not to vote since the morning, because this vote justifies their system and their power. Interference was campaigning on a loop for the Vote Nobody Campaign and they didn‚t like it. If any candidate was afraid of each other, they were even more afraid of the Apathy Party ˆas they called it(*). About the low level of voting, because this lessens the authority that they claim for themselves. Interference was encouraging not voting and even its small capability -as it‚s not a regular radio station, etc- was a threat for those politicians.
Now: a free state? Democracy? Where? You are not allowed to say what you think unless unless you have fucking money and you can buy a fucking broadcasting license. What kind of freedom of speech is that? So we‚ve seen community radio projects collapse (Respect FM, West FM), alternative radio stations (Respect FM) that didn‚t get a license because a bigger radio ˆcorporate radio- turned up and the license was given to it! Licenses are limited so just corporations have access to them. They even own the fucking airwaves! They even control them!
Once again our own alternative is to fight this like many other bigotry cases and reclaim the waves We can predict it: Interference will be back!
The confiscation of transmitter and stereo from Interference has been a big blow for this collective. They‚ll need help to get more equipment. Please, show your solidarity and send contributions to:
Interference FM, Box 6, 82 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5LR
And remember: you just see the real face of this system when you face it and become a serious threat against it. Fight the POWER!