Biojustice! Call to Action
Biojustice Organizing Committee | 06.06.2001 21:14
International Call to Action! Join anti-biotech activists in San Diego in staging a five day counter-conference to the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) annual meeting, June 22 - 27. If you can't attend the demonstration in San Diego, we call for solidarity actions around the world. Stage a demonstration in your community to protest the 's control over our food supply and genetic heritage. Demand BIOJUSTICE!
[ [ [ ! ! ! C A L L T O A C T I O N ! ! ! ] ] ]
The same corporations that brought us DDT, PCBs and Agent Orange are now promising to feed the world's hungry with "frankenfoods" and put "designer babies" into our schools... DON'T believe the hype.
From June 24th to 27th in San Diego CA, leaders of multinational biotech & pharmaceutical corporations, industry scientists and lawyers, bureaucrats and marketers, will meet at the Biotechnology Industry Organization Conference (BIO 2001). Under the guise of "progress," the biotech juggernaut is furthering its drive for profits through the privatization of our collective genetic heritage.
The corporate colonization of life itself is the newest, most insidious form of "globalization." It is destroying sustainable agriculture and impoverishing farmers worldwide, stealing the genetic legacy of indigenous peoples, foisting untested, unregulated "frankenfoods" upon an unwitting public, and profoundly threatening
biodiversity. Redesigning nature for profit, the Biotech Industry is busy genetically engineering fish, insects and trees, privatizing the human genome, and toying with human cloning and "designer" babies.
We call on all rabble rousers of conscience to join us in one of the Biotech Industry's backyard-- San Diego. This is the fifth year that people from around the world will protest the Biotech Industry at the "BIO" meeting. San Diego wants-- and needs-- you to raise your voice so that Biotech knows it ain't even safe at "home"!!!
If you can't be in San Diego-- we call for simultaneous actions and statements of solidarity in communities around the world for BIOJUSTICE! The possibilities are endless. From teach-ins to voluntary GE food labeling brigades, from demonstrations against the gene giants to organic potlucks, from direct actions to leafleting, we call for global grassroots organizing against the genetic engineering.
For more information and updates on the days of action, see:
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June 22 & 23: TEACH-IN: "Beyond Biodevastation" To Celebrate Biodiversity and Question Genetic Engineering. The fifth of its kind promises to be an amazing two-day event with world-renowned speakers, thinkers, activists, scientists, farmers and entertainers.
June 24th: Mass Public Rally for BIOJUSTICE! Folks from San Diego and communities around the world will gather and march for health care, an equitable food system, sustainability and biodiversity.
June 25th, 26th & 27th: BIO Meeting and nonviolent direct action. Mutant vegetable party-crashers! Guerrilla organic gardening! GE food labeling brigades! Street Theater! Poetry! Community! Action! BIOJUSTICE!!!
Transportation and carpool plans are being made in many communities for Biojustice 2001. For much more information and updates on the days of action see:
The same corporations that brought us DDT, PCBs and Agent Orange are now promising to feed the world's hungry with "frankenfoods" and put "designer babies" into our schools... DON'T believe the hype.
From June 24th to 27th in San Diego CA, leaders of multinational biotech & pharmaceutical corporations, industry scientists and lawyers, bureaucrats and marketers, will meet at the Biotechnology Industry Organization Conference (BIO 2001). Under the guise of "progress," the biotech juggernaut is furthering its drive for profits through the privatization of our collective genetic heritage.
The corporate colonization of life itself is the newest, most insidious form of "globalization." It is destroying sustainable agriculture and impoverishing farmers worldwide, stealing the genetic legacy of indigenous peoples, foisting untested, unregulated "frankenfoods" upon an unwitting public, and profoundly threatening
biodiversity. Redesigning nature for profit, the Biotech Industry is busy genetically engineering fish, insects and trees, privatizing the human genome, and toying with human cloning and "designer" babies.
We call on all rabble rousers of conscience to join us in one of the Biotech Industry's backyard-- San Diego. This is the fifth year that people from around the world will protest the Biotech Industry at the "BIO" meeting. San Diego wants-- and needs-- you to raise your voice so that Biotech knows it ain't even safe at "home"!!!
If you can't be in San Diego-- we call for simultaneous actions and statements of solidarity in communities around the world for BIOJUSTICE! The possibilities are endless. From teach-ins to voluntary GE food labeling brigades, from demonstrations against the gene giants to organic potlucks, from direct actions to leafleting, we call for global grassroots organizing against the genetic engineering.
For more information and updates on the days of action, see:

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June 22 & 23: TEACH-IN: "Beyond Biodevastation" To Celebrate Biodiversity and Question Genetic Engineering. The fifth of its kind promises to be an amazing two-day event with world-renowned speakers, thinkers, activists, scientists, farmers and entertainers.
June 24th: Mass Public Rally for BIOJUSTICE! Folks from San Diego and communities around the world will gather and march for health care, an equitable food system, sustainability and biodiversity.
June 25th, 26th & 27th: BIO Meeting and nonviolent direct action. Mutant vegetable party-crashers! Guerrilla organic gardening! GE food labeling brigades! Street Theater! Poetry! Community! Action! BIOJUSTICE!!!
Transportation and carpool plans are being made in many communities for Biojustice 2001. For much more information and updates on the days of action see:

Biojustice Organizing Committee
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