Tube 'improvements' - and LU Ltd response
General public | 05.06.2001 14:53
'Business Class' and 'Cattle Class' service launched on the Tube, London Underground Ltd deny responsibility...
The early morning Tube riding public were informed today of 'a new initiative' by London Underground management when dozens of Tube trains leaving from overnight depots across London were redecorated with LU style 'Business Class' and 'Cattle Class' posters segregating the carriages. To explain the new service thousands of 'official' leaflets were distributed to passengers. The leaflets announced a 'new quality service for valued customers' under the proposed Public Private Partnership deal - Business Class carriages with carpets, refreshment attendants and club-style seats plus, for full convenience, separation from the Cattle Class carriages. Which, to subsidise the new service, will be stripped of their seats to cut costs and enable easier hosing down. This, the leaflet went on to say, will help further discourage ' the unwashed' from 'talking to each other', which could lead to them 'demanding an unprofitably safe service' .
London Underground Ltd later issued a press release denying this was a taste of things to come, they claimed the leaflets and posters were "a spoof" abusing their
"world famous roundel", and blamed "anti-PPP groups" for the initiative. So far no-one has claimed responsibilty, though tucked away at the bottom of the 'Business Class' leaflet was a small reference to a group calling itself the "underground wing" of well-known trouble-making direct action group Reclaim the Streets. The groups' normally well-staffed press office was today mysteriously quiet.
The full text of the 'London Underground Business Class' leaflet is available on the website....
London Underground Ltd press release from
'Business Class' Tube spoof
Leaflets claiming that London Underground is planning a 'Business Class' service are NOT true.
The flyers come from opponents of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) - the 'pounds in the ground' investment that will create a better Tube service for ALL our three million daily passengers.
These anti-PPP groups are passing themselves off as LU (and in the process abusing our world-famous roundel) instead of engaging in an open and honest debate about the Underground's future.
London Underground is always willing to take part in that debate but in the meantime, we'll just concentrate on running the railway rather than running spoof publicity campaigns.
London Underground Ltd later issued a press release denying this was a taste of things to come, they claimed the leaflets and posters were "a spoof" abusing their
"world famous roundel", and blamed "anti-PPP groups" for the initiative. So far no-one has claimed responsibilty, though tucked away at the bottom of the 'Business Class' leaflet was a small reference to a group calling itself the "underground wing" of well-known trouble-making direct action group Reclaim the Streets. The groups' normally well-staffed press office was today mysteriously quiet.
The full text of the 'London Underground Business Class' leaflet is available on the website....
London Underground Ltd press release from
'Business Class' Tube spoof
Leaflets claiming that London Underground is planning a 'Business Class' service are NOT true.
The flyers come from opponents of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) - the 'pounds in the ground' investment that will create a better Tube service for ALL our three million daily passengers.
These anti-PPP groups are passing themselves off as LU (and in the process abusing our world-famous roundel) instead of engaging in an open and honest debate about the Underground's future.
London Underground is always willing to take part in that debate but in the meantime, we'll just concentrate on running the railway rather than running spoof publicity campaigns.
General public
Hide the following 8 comments
Well done
05.06.2001 19:34
London Underground dementi published??
06.06.2001 12:56
Let them get on with it
06.06.2001 15:19
Issues: nicely side-stepped
07.06.2001 19:34
Anyone else here in London read the Metro (free newspaper distributed on the LU)? I'm referring to the paid advert that appears everyday masquerading as some sort of editorial but is actually embarassing propaganda that would leave editors of staff bulletins gagging for air.
It's a joke: they're never afraid to leap at an opportunity to say how great PPP is going to be. IIRC - and I may not, I don't have the paper at hand to check, I could've read it somewhere else or taken away the inference rather than the actual message - that PPP was going to get problem signal points fixed. In the meantime, while we're waiting for PPP, let's hope they don't cause any accidents eh?
But anyway: they only mention PPP when they have a chance to say how great it is. That's not debate. It's also interesting to note that the new-tube website (which is obviously a spoof, not passing itself off as LU) actually *does* have the arguments of the group on the page. I haven't seen the leaflet and wouldn't be surprised if it didn't have the "serious" part (a shame, LU would've been hit hard then IMO), but hey, why should the LU press office do any sort of research?!
And it's not just that either - more and more it seems like LU have the press wrapped round their little finger, particularly the Evening Standard. So we get articles talking about how workers were "bragging" after a strike and how they're trying to strong arm bosses into jobs for life. I don't blame them for asking for some job security if the business do get their hands on the underground, we all know how ready they are to make job cuts for their own bonuses. But it's never presented that way, how dare the drivers hold London to ransom?!
Oops, I've gone OT and ranted haven't I? Sorry :)
Box File
metro = evening standard
10.06.2001 10:08
I'm not sure about thhe exact details of how Metro came about but from what i understand other Metro newspapers were starting up elsewhere in Europe and the UK, run by some Scandinavian media group and Associated Newspapers cut a deal with London Transport to do the London one, rather than see someone else get their hands on it. I think financially it's a bit of a loser, a lot of the tabloids lose a small amount of sales to Metro. But as a means of getting your message accross, it's a pretty powerful propaganda tool.
Anyway, the point is that it's not surprising Metro might espouse the benefits of privatisation considering who owns it, and it's not surprising that many of their articles and opinions look very similar to the evening standard's.
11.06.2001 21:46
Box File
Re: Metro
18.06.2001 17:20
The paper has editions going out in London, Manc, Glasgow, Brummie, Leeds, and Newcastle. Some of the editions have a deal with Mirror Group and some with a Scandanvian company from which the idea was nicked. The paper has very little to do with LU except a daily page (basically an ad) devoted to LU which is written and edited entirely by their press office in return for the right to distribute in (and litter) the Tube.
Yes it is a powerful propaganda tool, with a massive readership and a ubiquitous presence in the morning it couldn't fail to be.
An ex-Metro worker
More Metro
21.06.2001 12:57