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The truth behind the Oldham Riots - An eyewitness report

No Platform - Anti-Fascist Network | 29.05.2001 14:21

- Introduction
- Background to the events
- The timetable of immediate events
- A report on the mood in the wake of the riots

The truth behind the Oldham Riots - An eyewitness report
The truth behind the Oldham Riots - An eyewitness report

No Platform - Anti-Fascist Network
- Homepage:


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31.05.2001 21:29

Is there anybody who is looking at the roots of these, apparently, racist outbreaks. I mean, neutral 6-year-olds become haters of those who are different by the time they are teens for reasons. Sure there is racist literature, but under other circumstances it would fall on deaf ears. What I'm referring to is the underlying frustration which must be rife and which makes ears here receptive and tempers ready to riot? Remember, such battles happened in other parts of the world, not only one race versus another, but different religeons and ethnic groups Hopefully, left people aren't just going to call it racist and fascist and join the war on the good side? Of course one needs to take a stand when someone's humanity is violated by another, but, at the same time one must have something to say to people about a better way once tempers cool, better yet, before they explode.

Spring Hope

fuck off brown boy

01.06.2001 01:29

yeah whatever the banglas want "no go" zones for whites talk about racism

and yeah, fuck, in lots of cities white and black youth are uniting against asians. why? because asians are class enemies. ask idi amin



04.06.2001 14:10

Rascism has sadly become a part of our society. It exists not in the fore ground of political issues, despite the controversy surrounding the Conservative party at the moment, but rather in the shady back grounds that surround us. It raises its ugly head to spear the common decency of our society, surely this century has taught us to put aside our differences. Yes i am a white male, but me feelings towards other ethnic races are none existent, i have no feelings towards them, they are equal with myself, and I do not see them as any different from the next. Racisim is not a political agenda, but rather a fear within an individuals conscience, that must be laid to rest. Timothy Jenkins

mail e-mail: TJENKIN4@GLAM.AC.UK