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Nazis to blame for Oldham riots

Oldham Anti-Nazi League | 29.05.2001 02:44

In the past few weeks the media and police have been hyping up racial tensions in Oldham. When the BBC claimed the existence of so-called "No Go" areas for whites, they opened the door to the Nazis. Since then we have seen the Nazi National Front, British National Party and Combat 18 come into Oldham to leaflet, march, attack local people and stand in the General Election.

Statement from Oldham ANL
Monday 28 May 2001
Nazis to blame for Oldham riots

In the past few weeks the media and police have
been hyping up racial tensions in Oldham. When the
BBC claimed the existence of so-called "No Go"
areas for whites, they opened the door to the Nazis.
Since then we have seen the Nazi National Front,
British National Party and Combat 18 come into
Oldham to leaflet, march, attack local people and
stand in the General Election.

The rioting in Oldham at the weekend was caused by
Nazis continually coming into our area to cause
violence and whip up race hatred.

The Oldham Chronicle and the police have been
central to the animosity directed at the Asian
community, wrongly accusing Asians of the majority
of racist attacks and reporting the brutal attack on
Walter Chamberlain as a racist attack, even though
Mr Chamberlain's family denied the attack was
racially motivated.

The NF, who say they stand for "Rights for
Whites", were led into Oldham by Simon
Northfield, who was convicted for attacking a
white woman pensioner in January.

Black and white unite
In the face of this, the local communities have to
unite and make Oldham a "No Go" area for the Nazis.
The Nazis are now feeling confident to go into areas
like Glodwick to terrorise and attack Asian people in
their homes. They know that the police will turn on
the local Asian youth when they try to defend

The role of the police
Following Nazi leafleting, a handful of racists attacked
kids from Breeze Hill School. When called to defend
the school kids, the police proceeded to attack
them. A few weeks before, police let racist football
"fans" and Nazis rampage through Asian areas,
smashing windows and shouting racist abuse. It is
clear that since the Macpherson Report exposed the
police as institutionally racist, nothing has changed.

Even after the Home Secretary had banned the Nazis
from marching in Oldham, the police stood by and
allowed forty members of Combat 18 (a violent Nazi
organisation that counts murderers in its ranks) to
march into the town centre on Saturday 5th May.
The police were well aware that the Nazis were
gathering in local pubs but did nothing. That is why
the NF organiser claims that "the NF will not stop
going to Oldham."

It is clear that only the united efforts of the local
community - black and white - can keep the Nazis
out of Oldham.

Don't Vote BNP
The Nazis who have been terrorising people in their
own homes and rampaging through our streets now
want you to vote for them in the General Election.
Racist violence is exactly what Nick Griffin, Mike
Treacy and Roger Woods stand for. Griffin, who is
leader of the BNP, has convictions for inciting racial
hatred. He has no interest in uniting the community,
in fact he says he wants to see "separation of the
two communities ... on the model adopted in
Belfast ... to ease the tensions and avoid further

The BNP don't want to see racism resolved: they
want apartheid as a prelude to a Nazi genocide.

Let's not forget the BNP's most infamous member,
David Copeland, who was jailed for life last year for
the London nailbombs that killed three people. He
boasted, "My aim was political. It was to cause a
racial war in this country. There'd be a backlash from
ethnic communities, then all the white people would
go out and vote BNP."

Nazis cannot solve Oldham's problems - they are the
cause of them!

Oldham Anti-Nazi League
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Hide the following 15 comments

Nazi police must die

29.05.2001 09:51

Straw,harris,stevens and dead ken are presiding over a system of repression indistinguishable from full blown facism.
The time has come to pick up the sling of solidarity and the rock of assasination politics.
The anarchist david is about to kill the nazi goliath.
When the head of state is dead it will be made abundantly plain that no one will suceed that position and live.
After that the smaller hard core nazi groupings can take their chances as can the yellow press.
Summers here and time is ripe for violent revolution!

Disturbing Seperation to Proletarians

29.05.2001 19:37

In these Riot Scene it's a fact of humiliated Homophobic
actions to avoid the all day shame to have nothing for change. So a lot of abusing people grift the current account in effort to imagine or recurperate the same presences in diasporic histories to have several affects.
The notion of culture here is like a fossil--solid and petrified...Any unfavorable value is displaced on a non asean source. Ironically, these het's unquestioningly accept the 'Western'notion that indigenous is natural, normalm and biologically correct and that reproduce Anti-Monarchy violence against the wish being fluid in fiscal areas of great architecure of harm self-reproducing.

Q'.A.L.F. Bradistan 2001

regarding Nazi Police must die

30.05.2001 01:29

Yes,, I am aware that my hotmail address is probably enough for you to mark me as a weak kneed corporate whore if you should so choose, but I would like to respond anyhow... The potential for precipitating a rapid chain reaction of social/political/cultural change with well planned assasinations (well planned in the sense that their political motivations could only be willfully confused) has occured to me and certainly many others who have, so far, adhered to 'non-violence'. Why do I still believe in non-violence? Am I afraid of karmic reprecussions? Am I afraid to kill?
Why would I be?
The people I would take aim at kill everyday with their money (new-age weapon of the new-age war), thier ignorance, greed, callous indifference, self-justification and self-righteous manipulation of the total global system that has been structured to facilitate the spread of their sickness...
Why would I be afraid to kill such 'people'. (no, I don't deny their reality, their 'individuality', or our -their and my- fundamental equality, but-)
...through my own zen eye these people are merely rotten vessels god has gotten trapped in...
So why not smash them and let the spirit free?


Please don't let the potential of your action and thought be overtaken by desperation... why be forced to reaction when when what we so obviously need is PRO-ACTION.
Fuck them and their flirting with the assasination reaction with their idiotic pundit pandering and mindfucked doublespeak version of freedom - we ARE so much better than that!

Time and time again the history of revolution has shown us - giving birth to social/political/cultural change through violent means brings VIOLENT change... Do you WANT a future where 'anarchy' comes to be defined by its violent birth: where every gun-toting, protect-whats-mine, denizen of yet another botched 'revolution' is living in the fallout of a string of assasinations, a pandemic of fear among the innumerable flocks of sheep and an unimaginable police/military crackdown on anything even remotely 'revolutionary'?
Do you see where I'm heading with this... everytime they crush a demo, everytime they let off another tear gas volley or kick a peaceful sitting protestor in the face with their big black boots - they radicalize and mobilize more of us... WHY LEND THAT SAME FORCE TO THEM???
We ARE free...
create or destroy,
the choice is yours.

I choose to strive for and dream of the best of all possible worlds - and I will fight for it. In my mind, though, what we have to fight for is a REAL REVOLUTION. A revolution that revolts against the violence of all its predecessors AND against the 'neo'friendly-fascist system. A revolution the likes of which the world has never seen. (De La Rocha said it - the front line is everywhere...)
We ARE on the right track...
Things are changing (too slowly for all of us, but...), most importantly, MINDS are changing. THEY are bombarding the masses with the consumerist paradigm and trampling over everything they think we can't see - WE are turning the grassroots to a community/network/consensus state of mind and bringing the REAL effects of 'globalization' to light.

It's time to take it to the next level and create a community-based globally-networked solidarity that can FUCK THE SYSTEM, not take a step backwards into THEIR TACTICS of violent intimidation and fear-mongering...(Morrison said it - they've got the guns but, we've got the numbers: gonna win, yeah we're takin over!)
The most important thing for us to do is demonstrate the superior potential of viable alternatives to fear, violence, racism, classism, sexism(s) and systematic oppression - and demonstrate these alternatives at every level.(importantly here, the community level). We can do better, and despite all anecdotal evidence to the contrary, people aren't stupid. When we can demonstrate a viable, superior alternative to
everybody's-a-consumer 'globalization', and thank-god-the-police-are-here-to-protect-my-private-property-and-social-status 'citizenship', then we'll be winning the battle against Nazi pigs and suit-and-tie sportin facist-uniform- wearin sheep.

If you're still with me, thanks for your time - sorry bout the rantn.

Jason Black
mail e-mail:


30.05.2001 03:57

our numbers are growing daily, now is not the time for violence, revolutionarys must seize this time and head into our communities. We must build the infrastructure above ground now that will support OUR society now, during and after the revoulution(and every revolution to come). We can still work above ground and we must! we will soon not have that option. We will strike only when we have no other option, and across all the bridges we have built(from our anti racist work, our work against sexism and homophobia, and our fight against poverty, wage slavery and the very class war itself)our allies will see it is our only choice, and the only path to freedom! and then togeather we will tear out this system by its roots and forever place it in the trash bin of history, along with all the Fascist goons who choose to die with it!



30.05.2001 08:17

christ, all these anarchists. didn't any of you guys ever read 'animal farm'?

mail e-mail:

Whatever happened to?

30.05.2001 08:59

Whatever happened to John Tyndall and Richard Edmonds, the Nazi stalwarts who once led the BNP?

Daniel Brett
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I heard the Asians started it

30.05.2001 16:19

Not only did I hear the Asians started it, I saw in the Independent the other day that the police had confiscated a video a man had made which demonstrates that Asians started the rioting by attacking the alleged "Nazi" white people.

Not surprising the self-appointed "left" overlooks the facts and pretends their own neurotic worldview is somehow the "truth".

Bill White
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Government Kills

30.05.2001 18:19

This riot was instigated by the government as an election stunt, to make race, law & order and 'immigrants' (third generation?) an issue. Don't EVER believe the hype!

Ann Archy

"Summit hopping" for boneheads...

30.05.2001 22:58

C18 amade a world wide call to their comrades from all over the world for those attacks... A local crew of boneheads answered that call, here in Montreal and actually made their way to Oldham...

Ya, it must've been the asians who started the whole thing.. especially if boneheads prepared themselves for a such a mobilization a few days before the riots started...

Agent Havoc

One sided views all round then.

31.05.2001 22:07

Strange isn't it, on the one side you've got the ANL and similar groups telling the Asian community in Oldham that the local Press is biased the Police won't defend them and are racist and the Politicians don't care about them. On the other you've got the BNP actively canvassing the white communinites telling them that the local press is biased the police won't defend them and always take the side of the minorities and the Politicians don't care about them. Both communites think the other gets a bigger share of the minute amount of regeneration money available and thugs of all races think random acts of mindless violence are justified - in the name of 'whatever'. I wonder just how they could have possibly come to this conclusion. Face it Oldham has been hijacked by every scumbag organisation that has some idealogicol bollocks to spout and gain political capital from. Given a choice of the ANL, BNP or NF I think I'd rather give up the struggle and kill myself. I was Born in Oldham and still live there. Can you just all please leave us alone. We'd get on a lot better without you. Oldham has a population of 220,000 people less than a 1000 where involved in all the violence over the weekend. That's less than half a percent of the population.

Trust No One

An Individual
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What about the anti-capitalist riots!!!!

02.06.2001 09:31

Notice how the SWP and threst of the left support the Oldham riots saying that they are an intafada against racists, that had been stirring up racism against local asians. That is very different from their reporting of the anti-capitalist riots and the poll tax riot 11 years ago. These anti-capitalist riots at Prague, Seatle, Euston and last years Mayday were intafadas against years of capitalist provocation by capitalist corporation that are exploiting the planet and its' inhabitants.
Fuck off SWP, fuck off all communist parasites we don't fucking need you especially when you condemn uprisings against capitalism. No war but the anti-capitalist war!!!!!!

mail e-mail:

re:What about the anti-capitalist riots!!!!

03.06.2001 22:01

I'm a member of the swp, and saddened by your comment. Although I have never broken a window myself, I have spent the last year defending the actions of the anti-capitalist rioters to anybody who would listen.

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its about facism

05.06.2001 11:41

Animal farm is an allegory on the dangers of fascism.Anarchy is addressed more deeply in 1984.

solidad brothers and sisters


Maximum Unity

06.06.2001 09:58

I've lived in Oldham all my life and the weakness of the left is the reason the Nazis have the a small foothold. Derek, you need a slap. Maximum unity is the key to defeating scumbags like the BNP/NF and in Oldham the mobilisation couldn't have been done without the help of socialists like the SWP. I don't care whether your flag is Red or Red & Black, if you want drive the Nazis out of my town your more than welcome. Sectarianism is the secret weapon of the bosses and history teaches us that the consequenses of division is too great to contemplate.

The only people to support our fight day in day out is the Socialist Alliance, the SWP & the rest of the socialist left and the Anti Nazi League. These groups have been supporting us from day one, to criticise them is to parody the life of Brian.

If we're divided, black & white, we can't beat Capitalism.
Instead of looking for what we disagree on, fight for what we can agree on. I look forward to seeing you in Glodwick Derek, alongside my brothers & sisters on the socialist left


Animal Farm......

17.06.2001 07:06

My interpretation of AF is that it is an allegory for how a movement to promote a fairer society can be easily hijacked and manipulated towards a state of quasi-fascism (Which, let's face it, Stalinism was and is).....

Rudderless Lefty