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Nora Nobody nicked!

NOBODY | 24.05.2001 21:58

Nora Nobody nicked by cops at Blair demo in Bristol

The Bristol VOTENOBODIES gave Hague a hard time in Bristol today but all coverage was manipulated out of the tv coverage by spin merchants. Tonight NORA NOBODY was arrested outside of Tony Blair's do and had her wrist badly hurt by thug coppers. She has been released, charged with obstruction and is in good spirits. FREE THE NOBODY ONE!!

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24.05.2001 22:02

So what?

NOBODY cares!

Tory Blair

Find out name of thug P.I.G.s

25.05.2001 00:26

Soft drill is raising money in cyberspace and anyplace for
killing straw,harris,stevens and dead ken.
Wots left over will go toward giving known brutal persons
impersonating govt.servants a spanking.
Pledge here or with me and dont shoot the messenger.
Soft drill is open source accountability technology.

hey proff - what's your motive?????

25.05.2001 11:28

ok so you go around IMC sites talking about all your 'soft drill' tactics but never giving any concrete details.

these posts have resulted in the FBI etc making moves against imc sites and those involved in running them

are you deliberatly just posting to provoke such action - it would appear so

would you mind telling people where your website is then?

what's your agenda??


25.05.2001 12:14



GRAND JURY Wed, May 9, 2001

Diary of a Subpoena
by Joshua C. Robinson

The general information about this situation is available on many other IMC sites by now. I have not said any more than i have about it until now because i was not sure how much information i should give out. I now have a good understanding about the best way to handle the situation, so i have decided to publish this account of how events have unfolded so the rest of you know what to expect should the authorities come looking for info from you.

Everything started the night of Sunday, May 6, 2001, when, unbeknownst to me, an individual identifying himself only by the email address publihsed a post referring to Officer Steve Roach of the Cincinnati Police Department. A few weeks ago, Roach shot Timothy Thomas to death after he ran, unarmed, into an alley during a traffic stop. The shooting led to protests which sometimes became violent.

Roach was indicted on May 7 of negligent homicide and another misdemeanor. More protests ensued, because the total time served on both charges cannot exceed nine months in county jail.

I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door on Tuesday May 8. It was an officer of the Louisville Police Department come to serve court papers, i would later learn. I did not answer the door, as i was not expecting company that early. When i got up, i found a voice-mail message from Dave Ausdenmoore, an Investigator with the Regional Electronics Computer Intelligence Section of the Hamilton Co. (OH) Sheriff's Office. The message contained absoulutly no information except the specifics of the post and the facts that it had "come to the attention" of the CPD, and that they were going to get it "squared away." I called Ausdenmoore and was informed of the subpoena for information related to the post mentioned above. I left my apartment a few times to run errands, but spent much of the day waiting for the LPD to arrive with my paperwork.


Freedom of speech? HA!

25.05.2001 15:13

Are we going to let the FBI dictate what can and cannot be said now? They are probably the ones sending the flippin messages in the first place! If all it takes is a death threat to close down an imc, then perhaps a somewhat unscrupulous officer of the law could post a threatening message, 'notice' it and promptly shut down a website, usually at its peak time (ie: during coverage of a protest (ie: quebec)).

I think the police should be commending IMC for the general *lack* of death threats, since most prefer intelligent conversation (protesters, that is). Considering the way the government sees fit to abuse, injure and kill members of the public as a matter of routine, they have remarkably little retalliation.

Considering the number of lives jack straw has ruined, the number of lies tony bliar can feed the masses, the number of animals nick brown can burn in people's backgardens (not his), the number of extra cars prescott can put on the roads... They are surprisingly alive and well, considering the fascist, and purely EVIL elements of this government.

Oh, and if you're a policeman reading this, you are just stupid evil. I hope you commit suicide in the knowledge that you are using honest folk's funds in order to supress freedom (i don't remember seeing that in the labour party manifesto!).

And if you are Tony Bliar, and reading this, stay alive for us tony. The only death you deserve is from the impacts of the fists and the boots of every person you have endeavoured to marginalise, criminalise, or alienate. When you die Tony, let us hope, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of justice, that it is slow, and horrible. Let us hope that when you die, Tony, it can go some way towards reflecting onto you the amount of misery you have placed onto others.

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