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Ronald Reagan's Dead!!!

Reagans Dead Collective | 24.05.2001 18:56

Ronald Reagan's dead? Time to party!!!

Have a celebration of a deathtime!

As Reagan sits on his death bed……
The time is rapidly approaching when the people of the world will shout with joy the eloquent statement:


Everybody has a reason to celebrate the death of
Ronald Reagan.

From coast to coast and aroud the globe, join in the festivities to take place during the week following the tyrant's death.

In your neighborhood, on your campus, and at your
workplace, the time is now to prepare the parties.
Plan autonomous parties that are loud as fuck to go against the soft music and the sounds of history books being rewritten.
We saw it happen with nixon! We will not let them revise history again!
Please forward this to everybody you know

Reagans Dead Collective


Display the following 2 comments

  1. Dead Presidents — JFK
  2. Reagan's dead! — Paul Standeven