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Is this country in a mess or what ?

eyes | 24.05.2001 16:10

German magazine Stern has published an article about the state that Britain is in. The BBC Web gives us the chance to say whether we agree ot not...

The BBC site is giving substantial coverage to the story about the German magazine Stern saying that Britain is in a terrible mess. 20% illiteracy and a public transport system that's like sado masachism apparently.

All the comments seem to agree with the comments made but the vote about it is 50-50. Suspicious...

Have your say, do you think the country is a mess ? Or are the government doing a jolly good job ?

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24.05.2001 22:05

Whereas Germany has a long history of order at any cost of course . . .


All in all the Germans are right!

25.05.2001 12:24

Having read over the article, it seems a fair story.

We seem to be living in a country with has a lot of gloss and no substance, and anyone who complains is being unpatriotic.

Yes, it has wealth, just count the number of Flash Cars you see in our city centres, but it also has TB in our poorer areas! TB is an illness of the Very Poor .. of Victorian England .. not of a 21st century "world power".

Anyway, I havn't posted this on the BBC site as they never publish my comments on anything!
