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Repost | 24.05.2001 09:57

Following much debate about the rights of the grass roots in the Friends of the Earth (FoE) organisation to speak out on problems they see emerging in the organisation as a whole, it has now emerge that Friends of the Earth are deliberately censoring any debate about recent problems in Wales.

There has been a great debate about the role of local groups campaigning, and the rights of the national organisation to limit the autonomy of local groups and group networks. This resulted recently in the expulsion of one local FoE group in Wales -- Dinefwr FoE -- by the national organisation for alledged wrongdoings. allegations which, to date, the FoE organisation has refused to substantiate with evidence.

Now a supporter of the ejected group, Max Wallis, has found that his email to an email list for Friends of the Earth local groups in Wales has been censored because it contained information that did "not meet the purpose" of the list. The email, reporting events at a meeting called by the national FoE organisation to explain the expulsion of Dinefwr FoE, was blocked by FoE staff who appear to be monitoring the Welsh list. The meeting being reported, far from being a well managed affair, caused problems for the national staff when they were challenged to provide evidence to prove their claims of the actions of Dinefwr FoE and could not.

Many local group members present were openly critical of the actions of the national organisation and called for an investigation. It was also alledged that staff were trying to restrict the flow of information in case the regionally-elected Board of FoE found out about the way staff were keeoing them in the dark about the true sequence of events taking place at the local level.

It now appears that the national organisation has responded by fighting a rear-guard action to prevent information about the meeting, and the events surrounding the expulsion of Dinefwr FoE in general, from becoming common knowledged amongst the wider FoE local group network.

In support of Dinefwr FoE, please find enclosed the message from FoE staff on the blocking of Max Wallis' email, and the text of the email itself, appended.

Paul Mobbs
(former local group member and non-executive director of
Friends of the Earth).

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:36:49 +0100
From: Julie Lewis
Subject: message sent to Cymrugroups

Dear Max,

Thank you for your message to Cymrugroups posted on Monday 21st May. I am afraid that the message does not meet the purpose of Cymrugroups and therefore we will not be forwarding it on.

Yours sincerely,

Julie Lewis
Swyddog Gwybodaeth ac Ymgyrchoedd
Cyfeillion y Ddaear
CF10 1BY
Ffon: 029 20 229577
Ffacs:029 20 228775


The special meeting called by FOE top guys Charles Secrett and Sam Clarke to receive their “unprecedented” decision to de-license Dinefwr FoE took place in Llandrindod Wells on Saturday. Donald Ritchie, head of the local groups section chaired and six out of the residual 14 Welsh groups were represented (Torfaen, Taff Ely, Barry,Swansea, Pembs and Lampeter).

FOE had excluded the expelled group from the meeting, but three came along as members of Lampeter FoE. Charles Secrett explained that the decision was based on unsolicited complaints from a majority of Welsh groups (later modified to about six letters from FoE groups and individuals).

The story from both sides was of letters unanswered and discussion arrangements falling down. FOE disliked Dinefwr FoE’s proposal for a tape-recorded meeting open to their forty members, preferring informality at a pub. Charles Secrett repeated that they sought to go forward on the basis of trust, and would consider releasing the key complaint letters.

Finally, a solicitor’s letter was read out asking for the legal basis for FOE’s action. Charles promised a reply from their lawyer within 3 weeks.




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Swords at Dawn

24.05.2001 12:01

Internal fighting from Friends of the Earth, that's not very 'eco-friendly.'

Pal of the Planet