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Join a list to fight the WTO!

Comrade Black | 23.05.2001 00:44

On 9-13 November 2001 the WTO will hold its bi-annual ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar. We must oppose these meetings with international action.

On 9-13 November 2001 the WTO will hold its bi-annual ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar. After the debacle of 1999's conference in Seattle at which activists managed to effectively shut down the meetings, the WTO has done the cowardly thing and decided to meet in a far off nation, with very little tolerance of dissent and a lack of respect for freedom of speech and assembly. We must respond to this brazen action by holding demonstrations internationally. Whether this means everyone staging a local action or tens of thousands of activists converging on several regional centres around the world, we must not be silent this fall!

To help plan tactics for these actions and to develop a consensus as to where we as a movement wish to stage them I encourage all who are interested to join a newly created e-mail list for this purpose. To join the list send an email to:

Anyone interested in stopping the WTO this fall is welcome to join.

In Solidarity,
Comrade Black

Comrade Black
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23.05.2001 09:19

not being *paranoid* or anything but does anyone know this list - is it related to any website or social movement - does anyone know the people / person who started it the other day?

List Info and archive of messages is at:

List Name Stop the WTO 2001 (No WTO)
Purpose: For all those interested in planning international actions to protest this fall's WTO meetings in Qatar.
List Type: Unmoderated discussion
Subscription: Does not require owner approval
Archive: Readable by anyone
Created: May 21, 2001
Owner: Comrade Black
To Join: Subscribe here, or send an email to
To Post: Send mail to ''
Stats: 39 subscribers / 5 messages per day
Categories: New Lists


Lots of good stuff out there about Qatar, check:

also lots of links at:


Qutar will be decentralised...

23.05.2001 09:48

It is clear that if the WTO want to meet in Qutar - we must decentalise our actions in every city in every country to show they can run but we will still be there.

As for this list - out of experience i would only join lists if i knew who was behind it - there will be 1000's pop up over the next few months and most will be by political parties or NGO's trying to get you over to their veiw. For me lists are useful for information so i can make my own mind up and my afinity group can act according to our own desires - so you need to know a lists background before you can decide how to readthe information. That said maybe this is a great list - i don't want to judge, but many of these can just be full of ranters and put anyone off ever doing anything.

Building afinity groups are important now, we need autonomous groups to start thinking about the issues the WTO meting raises and think how they might like to act to stop it. So the most constructive thing you can do if you feel alone in all this is find others in your area who feel the same and self educate, then there is less need to rely on the dogma of established parties who only really want you in a numbers game!

act now!


More about the list

24.05.2001 23:04

The stoptheWTO list is not affiliated to any organizations. I merely started it as a private citizen to try to get people talking about how we should mobilize agains the WTO in November. SInce it is pretty difficult to get to Qatar it is obvious that we will need decentralized actions. I jus thought it would be good if we could get a forum of concerned and motivated individuals and organizations to coordinate any international action taken against the WTO. Such a list is ggreat for local affinity groups and organizations to communicate on a global scale and to ensure some degree of consensus for the anti-globalization movement.

NB There are currently over 80 subscribers to the list and it has only been going for three days! Please join us if you are interested in fighting the WTO!

In Solidarity,

Comrade Black

Comrade Black
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