"You Be the Messiah?"
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 22.05.2001 17:15
Are you all ready to throw off your shackles of trivia and banality, so you can complete your mission on earth?
Dear UK; With the return of the fabricated conflict in the Middle East to the front pages; I'm sure that they have you convinced that there is nothing else that matters. There is no stopping fools in their folly, and they will probably not stop until Damascus is a "heap of ruins" (Isaiah 17:1). It is probably a ruse to get you to come out and oppose what they have set up over there, for as Protocol # 12 of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion reads: "THAT AMONG THOSE MAKING ATTACKS ON US WILL ALSO BE ORGANS ESTABLISHED BY US, BUT THEY WILL ATTACK EXCLUSIVELY POIINTS THAT WE HAVE PREDETERMINED TO ALTER". It's like: "you throw rocks at us, we'll shoot you to keep the persecuted people myth alive." There will come a day when people will say: "they shall stay here no longer" (Lamentations 4:15); but there are more pressing matters to be dealt with beforehand.
Sure they have all been saying: "No Body is Going to do Nothing about....." Id=41739 "The Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 that resulted in the fomation of "Israel, A Kingdom that Cannot be Shaken" Id=41296; but little did they know that Some Body is Going to do Everything about It! In reading the abovementioned articles on www.indymedia.org.; you will find that provisions have been made for the appearance of multiple Messiahs named Jesus Christ. You probably have a wealth of Messiah-wannabes over there; that is those who say that nobody is gonna do nothing about it or that nothing is going to happen. These Messiah-wannabes have acted as saviours of their people by opposing innocent people who were not opposing them; and what a group their people are! The trivia and banality on Indy Media is a sign of their presence there. There are ways to make the hunters into the hunted, and that has been addressed in my writings. To access these articles via Id #s, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". Since the lawless ones have apparently been using computers to target people, you will find that they fall into their own trap with a little ingenuity on your part. You might also want to find out what made those apocalyptic rains fall in Congo a few days ago. Maybe there is a "rain dance" that you can do for your crops. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Sure they have all been saying: "No Body is Going to do Nothing about....." Id=41739 "The Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 that resulted in the fomation of "Israel, A Kingdom that Cannot be Shaken" Id=41296; but little did they know that Some Body is Going to do Everything about It! In reading the abovementioned articles on www.indymedia.org.; you will find that provisions have been made for the appearance of multiple Messiahs named Jesus Christ. You probably have a wealth of Messiah-wannabes over there; that is those who say that nobody is gonna do nothing about it or that nothing is going to happen. These Messiah-wannabes have acted as saviours of their people by opposing innocent people who were not opposing them; and what a group their people are! The trivia and banality on Indy Media is a sign of their presence there. There are ways to make the hunters into the hunted, and that has been addressed in my writings. To access these articles via Id #s, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". Since the lawless ones have apparently been using computers to target people, you will find that they fall into their own trap with a little ingenuity on your part. You might also want to find out what made those apocalyptic rains fall in Congo a few days ago. Maybe there is a "rain dance" that you can do for your crops. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Hide the following 31 comments
"Front Page Please!"
22.05.2001 17:20
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
22.05.2001 17:23
hey bobby - have you got a website where we can read more of your writings?
Look stop this you foolish one
22.05.2001 17:40
There is not a lawless conspiracy to stop your articles appearing INSTANTLY on the frontpage newswire - this has been explained to you by several people. Sometimes the website works quickly sometimes it does not, end of story. You should stop following up your posts with WHY IS THIS NOT ON THE FRONTPAGE posts, it's just being devisive.
I've used imc sites for some time now and have had exactly the same experience - I've uploaded, but it's not on the frontpage, but it is in the 'view all stories' version of the newswire. Sometimes the delay can be HOURS. I do not complain, it's obvious it's the database creaking.
And before you say this is proof of some imc (uk or global or any of the other sites you post so often to) conspiracy, this has happened to both 'important' posts and no doubt what you would call trivial posts.
Get a life.
(ps when this so called 'article' of yours does appear listed in the frontpage newswire it'll be because that's when the database has cycled around to including it, and not because some lawless imc conspiracy fears that you have outed it and so complies with your 2nd post demand to be placed on the frontpage)
Get it right!!!
22.05.2001 22:10
not rupert marsh
4th time now bobby,call me NOW!
22.05.2001 23:42
matt o'dwyer
"Comment from Author"
23.05.2001 00:16
Homophobia means that one fears homosexuality not as these people seem to contend that it means that one hates homosexuality. This is what I get for promoting the only given way of saving gays from God's condemnation of them.
The Protocols have never been refuted by anyone apparently. You might do so at once to clarify what is happening. Don't forget that the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan say just as much as the Protocols and they are also readily available on www.google.com..
As for the professed opposition of certain Jews to the occupation, it is probably a ruse to trick you into voicing your own opposition to it even if they would have you believe otherwise.
The Commentor talking about race seems confused. What race is the Semite race? How did the Turko-Mongols get in there? What happen to the Ethiopian Semites?
To the commentors I say: "Nice of you all to come and worship. You sound mighty holy today."
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
evolve bobby
23.05.2001 01:41
go back to the garden and evolve
the war in the middle east is not "fabricated"
this makes the rest of what you say irrelevant
so are you irrelevant... also offensive, bigotted, and twisted
george jnr
23.05.2001 09:48
This guy's stirring shit up all over indymedia sites and provoking arguement and HATE.
Just do a search on his name on www.indymedia.org to see the huge number of his rants and resultant replies.
TROLL: trying to lure other Internet users into sending responses to carefully-designed incorrect statements or similar "bait."
Oh and Bobby - quit that shit about STorm Trooper hackers intercepting your posts. If there is a campaign against your posts by some group of people then I shouldn't worry about them because they are not very good at it given the number of your postings available on Indymedia sites across the world.
it's obvious
23.05.2001 09:57
why are you on indymedia??
23.05.2001 12:44
Now, Bobby, what I don't understand is how you found out about this site, and why it appeals to you. Don't get me wrong, I think its great that you can come on here and express your views (which, to be frank, I find a little hard to follow, but then it sounds like you've got some inside knowledge that I don't...), and I certainly would not want people holding your views to be 'banned' from expressing them. But you're really not interested in the idea of an independent media at all are you? If you were, or you were even just interested in free-thinking, you wouldn't be quoting endless reams of stuff written hundreds of years ago, and passing it off, unquestioned, as the truth. Great, I'm gald you've read this stuff, but just because someone once said this was the case, that doesn't mean you should quote it without thinking about the various good and bad points it expresses.
Like I said, I admit my ignorance concerning the people you quoted, and I even admit my ignorance of whatever the hell it is you're ranting about. But while your posting on this site, and formulating your conspiracy theories, why not have a look around - read some articles by people trying to free themselves from cultural indoctrination, and realise that you could do that too.
Or just keep ranting. Wouldn't want to dictate what you should do...
Read 'em and weep
23.05.2001 14:08
“Whosoever was the mind that conceived them possessed a knowledge of human nature, of history, and of statecraft which is dazzling in its brilliant completeness, and terrible in the objects to which it turns its powers.
It is too terribly real for fiction, too well sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery.”
“The United Nations is Zionism. It is the Super Government mentioned many times in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion promulgated between 1897 and 1905.”
Henry Klein,
New York Jewish Lawyer,
In Zionism Rules the World, 1948.
23.05.2001 14:54
bill bore
Read 'em and weep
23.05.2001 15:11
“Whosoever was the mind that conceived them possessed a knowledge of human nature, of history, and of statecraft which is dazzling in its brilliant completeness, and terrible in the objects to which it turns its powers. It is too terribly real for fiction, too well sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery.”
“The United Nations is Zionism. It is the Super Government mentioned many times in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion promulgated between 1897 and 1905.”
Henry Klein,
New York Jewish Lawyer,
In Zionism Rules the World, 1948.
Deaf messenger?
23.05.2001 17:14
Since you call yourself on Indymedia 'Deaf Messenger', are you also a deaf activist? I'd be interested to read anything from you that shows an awareness of deaf issues in your neck of the woods, which you have stated in your address is in the USA, though I don't quite understand why you want to post on the UK indymedia site instead of your own local site.
Furthermore, this is a site for reporting actions. Why don't you go and do some actions, or take part in some, or organise your own actions, and we will love to hear about your experiences. Until then, sorry, i'm not really interested in Jah-fuelled speculations.
Note: we have our own movement of Jah people in the UK, the Exodus collective in Luton, wonderful people who work 365 days of the year, for nearly 10 years now, helping local people and organising actions and raves to break out of Babylon. I did some tree planting with them last year, and they are an ace bunch. Why don't you look them up on the net? Bobby, try entering 'exodus luton' into
-luther blissett 'Deaf Activist'
Luther blisset
"What? Who? Huh? Duh?"
23.05.2001 18:00
To Luther Blisset I say that I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Gallaudet University in Washington, DC with a degree in Therapeutic Recreation, a department that I helped established under the guidance of a professor imported from Southern Illinois University. Once it was established, they got rid of both me and the professor; and it is probably now teaching a mockery of TR if it is still accreditted at all.
I was also pivotal in starting the Deaf President Now movement that transformed Gallaudet from a college into a university, for I wrote an article for the school newspaper on American Sign Language. I made clear that ASL has French syntax, and there has been no effort to develop an effective way to communicate in sign language via English in order to continue the isolation of the deaf community. Of course they will come out with fabrications about the beauty of ASL; but the reality is that it is a ruse to prevent deaf people from learning how to speak, for ASL cannot be spoken at all. I have met people who were born deaf who can speak English better than most hearing people, and it was the result of persistant effort on the part of their parents to teach them. Instead of promoting such effort, it seems like the deaf community would prefer to make it a crime for deaf people to speak.
As for the commentors who can't understand. Tell me which of my articles you have read. Paraphrase a sentence or two of mine to show me what is registering in your head. Chances are that you are not reading a word that I write, and you are just professing ignorance to promote ignorance. Nice of you to come and worship. You sound mighty holy today.
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
No Comprende
23.05.2001 18:51
To Bobby Israel Meade 'Deaf Messenger'
23.05.2001 22:36
Thanks for replying, and I respect that. Therapeutic Recreation is still offered as a degree by Gallaudet, (I looked on the website) so it seems your efforts haven't been in vain.
However I couldn't find your name anywhere in the alumini lists - I'm not too bothered by that as it may or may not be your real name - I'm not going to ask for your real name.
Re: sign and speech - I don't know about USA deaf activists, but in the UK the deaf culture is more inclusive, and deafies who speak are perfectly welcome as long as they learn some BSL. Europe is more of a multi-lingual area, and I have many deafie friends who read in 4 or 5 hearing languages as well as speak 5 or more different sign languages.
The problem here in the UK is that the establishment is very strongly against BSL - I along with most deaf people was forbidden to learn BSL, or to speak in sign while I was at school, while I was a kid. So u see we have rather different problems. We campaign for bilingual education.
Here, the medical authorities say that deaf children must be *prevented* from learning BSL, with predictably horrendous effects. Indeed some deaf people can learn to speak, we dont have a problem with that. the thing is that here, ALL deaf children are punished when they sign, are smacked and abused when they try to communicate in our own natural language, and the random few who learn to speak are held up as shining examples to all the rest, who are cast aside by the education system as 'failures'.
I'm perfectly happy for all deaf kids to get some training in speech, but they must ALSO get lessons in BSL, not have their whole education thrown to one side for hours and hours of speech therapy per day which is what tends to happen to most deaf kids here (including me) and ends in the average deaf kid leaving school with an average reading age of 12.
anyway, enough. Bobby, I do not agree with much of what you say, and you seem to spend 10 hours a day posting stuff and reading replies to your posts, but if you are ever in the uk, please come over and meet some UK deaf activists.
that is a definite invitation.
If you want, email me above and we can talk further - it is rare to see other deaf activists on the web.
I should warn you though that I'm gay and jewish, a combination of the two groups you most love to rant about, or are you just trying to push people's buttons?
Luther Blisset
"To Luther Blisset"
24.05.2001 00:34
PS Check out "Cpl. Theodore Wolf: Rest in Peace" Id=42638; posted today.
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Our Bobby
24.05.2001 03:56
Seperately, I'd be interested to hear all sides of the debate regarding the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - I mean, is there really evidence from either side that can support or refute the claim that it's fake?
It came true
24.05.2001 07:32
This is a good point, because if it is the blueprint for the 20th Century and beyond, heinous in it's content and intent, fact or fake...it requires serious debate and discussion.
The old Anti-Semitic chant is sounding hollow!
its one of the oldest
24.05.2001 13:35
h p sauce
"Misunderstanding All Yours!"
24.05.2001 15:54
Now "Bendeus" has been sounding holy. Have things changed since this morning? Why say I am homophobic when homophobia means that one fears homosexuality? I have never been anti-gay. If you are saying a homophobe hates homosexuality, why coin a new word? "Homosexist"? "Homomania"? "Homomordia"? Same goes for saying I am anti-Semite. Who are the Semites? Are they a race? Are they the ones who have been rubbing other alleged Semites the right way? Are they the ones who got nose jobs? I do not deny my names or titles at all. I gave the name Israel to the country established by Sarah and Jennifer, "blossoms in the field". I am still "Israel", the Deaf Messenger; but Israel is now on its way to becoming the biggest thing on earth. Apocalyptic news certainly has its place in this day and age. Woodstock was an attempt of man to form his own version of God's kingdom on earth; a kingdom based on love, peace, sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. Why didn't you make an issue of that?
The Protocols were probably never refuted because they would probably move on anyone who even mentioned them. In other words they were a trap. It is easy to make them fall into their own trap; but they would probably prefer to stage a war in the Middle East to change the subject. They will probably even make Damascus a "heap of ruins" (Isaiah 17:1) to keep their lies alive. As they have done, will be done to them. Their lawlessness will come back on their own heads. Maybe the trick is to get them to verify their Messianic aspirations, then say; "Aha! Jesus Christ, you come with me over to this tree!"
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
evolve bobby please?
25.05.2001 01:56
put a gun in your mouth and do us all a favour
george jnr
evolve bobby please?
25.05.2001 01:56
put a gun in your mouth and do us all a favour
george jnr
evolve bobby please?
25.05.2001 01:56
put a gun in your mouth and do us all a favour
george jnr
evolve bobby please?
25.05.2001 01:56
put a gun in your mouth and do us all a favour
george jnr
evolve bobby please?
25.05.2001 01:56
put a gun in your mouth and do us all a favour
george jnr
"Update for UK"
26.05.2001 21:59
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Read this, Bobby.
01.06.2001 02:18
I'm Deaf. You're deaf (apparently)
We both are Deaf. Deaf people stick together and support each other.
In your case, I make an exception.
Gavin Lilley
01.06.2001 15:05
To "Gavin Lilley" I say those are pretty big words. Are you trying to save someone from what I am saying? Do you feel holy today?
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
review of your piece
20.07.2001 23:57
andrew masuda