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They're Not Invited - Manchester June 7th

News Carrier | 22.05.2001 12:31

On Election Day, Thursday June 7th, Manchester will be host to a day-long celebration of creative resistance. Come along and be part of an unexpected upsurge. Actions and events are happening. Join in with one of ours, or plan your own.

For a hundred years people fought for the vote, now they're abandoning it in droves. With both parties representing big business it's hardly surprising that ordinary people feel excluded.

In the USA, where the difference between the two parties are even less, the turn out is even lower. Is that where we're heading?

We need to fight the powerlessness caused by capitalism with a new kind of organising, in groups that make real changes and are really worth getting involved with.

We need a real alternative to sham democracy. And where is this alternative to come from? It is already here.

The local wildlife group know more about the ecology of their area than the council's environmental management department. Railway workers and passengers know more about how their line works than bureaucrats ever will. The doctors, nurses and porters know more about how their hospital works than the managers do.

Building a new society only means breaking all this knowledge out of its chains. A free society would be run by a web of groups co-ordinating neighbourhoods, families and work places. Connecting, overlapping and bringing 'politics' home for everyone.

So here's a suggestion -- that in our everyday lives we begin to detach ourselves from the state, from the dog-eat-dog world and involve ourselves with something that makes us feel more human and which could be the start of a more human world.

Grow your own food! Organise your own childcare! Set up a housing co-op! Campaign against Third World Debt, for disabled rights, for a zebra crossing! There are a lot of people out there waiting to greet you.

**On June 7th it is the politicians who are not invited.**

This is a call for groups and individuals to come along and take part in a day-long celebration of creative resistance in Manchester, June 7th.

We are all pissed off with the media hype around London Mayday. This event is about us doing stuff when we want to, choosing a time of significance to us, not to the media and police.

Why should big actions always happen in London?

Come along and be part of an unexpected upsurge. Actions and events are happening. Join in with one of ours, or plan your own.

We will be stressing the positive surge of the new, as well as the collapse of the old. To show people that there is a practical alternative, and help them get involved with it, as well as attacking the bad. If you've got a speciality you want to show off, come along and do your thing!

News Carrier
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