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Call to action against Capitalist Globalisation - Barcelona, June 22-27th

MRG | 21.05.2001 16:39


On June 25th-27th the World Bank was to hold its Annual conference on Economic Development in Barcelona, and following the example of Seattle, Melbourne, Prague, and so many others, we started organizing the Campaign Against the World Bank - Barcelona 2001. However, and for the first time ever, on May 19th the WB announced the cancellation of their meeting. The mobilisation of thousands of people around the Spanish state to organize a counterconference, a massive demonstration and the siege of the WB’s delegates, made them change their mind. The pressure from below has made them realize that their slogan ‘our dream, a world without poverty’ would have looked like nothing but a joke, as thousands of demonstrations would have been tear-gased and arrested while shouting ‘Our world is not for sale’.

We think that the reasons we had to protest against the World Bank still stand, and therefore we will continue to organize around the slogan A DIFFERENT WORLD IS POSSIBLE

And we would like to invite you to join us for the counter-conference, the demonstations and the people's trial against the institution.

This is what we will do:

- June 16th-21st: de-centralized activities on a local level, emphasizing the role of the European Union in the globalisation process EU reps will be meeting in Gothenburg on the 16th).
- June 22nd and 23rd: Counter-conference with several workshops around 7 main areas: ecology and food and agriculture; social and workers' rights; militarisation and peace; immigration; globalisation and women; globalisation and development; and democracy, participation and repression.
- Night of June 23rd: concert coinciding with la fiesta de St. Joan, a traditional night of magic and fire, to celebrate the great victory of the anti-capitalist movement
- June 24th: Mass united demonstration and the WB on trial.
- June 25th: Street party (details yet to be decided).

We fully support the protests to be held in Genoa against the G-8 meeting in July and would urge you to contact the activists preparing these in Italy. Now more so than ever.
Nevertheless, after the cancellation of the meeting, we think it is essential to show that our movement goes beyond blocking the meetings of the international institutions, and to celebrate the proven fact that the people united can change the world. We must keep up the pressure against capitalist globalization and deepen the crisis of legitimacy that the WB and other institutions of global capital are experiencing with the aim of spreading the crisis to the heart of the multinationals themselves. Furthermore, in the
process we aim to strengthen the anti-capitalist movement in this country and prepare ourselves for the future.

If you would like to join us in this big celebration of people’s power or to know anything about the Campaign, contact us at (english prefered, but all languages accepted) or subscribe to our mailing list in English If you can understand spanish and/or catalan, join our main list, You can also visit our website

We'll arrange accomodation for all those who want to come to any of the activities we’re organizing; we’ve already got camping areas and we’re working hard to get other big, covered areas, as well as private houses and cheap hostels. The cost of most places will not exceed 500 ptas, and some areas will be free of charge. As soon as you know what your needs are rearding accomodation, send an e-mail to stating number of people and nights and if you prefer to stay indoors or outdoors.

Use this opportunity to build resistance wherever you are and keep up the fight!

- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Display the following 4 comments

  1. Possible title for the counter conference — The Weaver
  2. Or . . . — For those who died.
  3. Spot on — Wudan
  4. Barcelona:Are you coming?///Veniu?///Vendréis — reader of