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Goverment cover up proposed mass foot and mouth carcass burial site

STAMP | 18.05.2001 10:59

Attempted cover-up threatens environmental damage and the lives of hundreds of Devonshire people for years to come as the Government pay an estimated £4m for an area originally deemed unsuitable for burial.

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This Stinks

18.05.2001 14:36

Local people must simply refuse to comply with MAFF, and the health risk and potential environmental disaster they are creating, for your children's sake. Massive civil disobedience and non-compliance is the only way. And surely it must be illegal anyway...


If only

20.05.2001 02:55

There's a burial site half a mile down the road from me. Not complying doesn't really get you anywhere, since maff and the council never bothered to tell anyone. The people here are all too lazy or too thick to try and stop them, a friend of mine passionately putting her anti-pit point of view across was treated as hysterical.

Luckily, all the villagers who didn't do anything to stop it now have to put up with the smell of decomposing animals, which they were convinced would not happen.

Rumour is foot and mouth has only subsided for the election, and will start up again once labour get back in power. Everything i've seen goes along with that.

Mark my words, they're not finished yet.

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