Democracy is theft. Steal your vote!
%-) | 16.05.2001 16:56
Should you vote, spoil your ballot, or stay at home? Or are there other options to excercise your democratic privilege?
This is quite a dilema really. Should we not vote at all. Spoil our ballots. Or pick a party and vote.
Let's look at those options.
Not voting at all
None of us really want to vote for people who seek power really do we? I mean, can you trust anyone who wants to be in charge? Why do they want to be in charge anyway? So they can screw us over!
But not voting is merely shying away from our one opportunity to do something "democratic" that actually includes everyone (over 18, not in jail or a nun etc etc aside). The one chance we get to come together as a community and say something even if the choices are limited. Not voting is akin to saying that you really don't care what happens.
Spoil our ballots
So moving on from the not voting option, we come to the next one. The "third way" of democracy I suppose. Spoil the ballots, because they are all wankers. This is your one way of saying, hang on a minute the system is rubbish. The system could be better. We want to vote, but not for that lot above. They are all 12 foot lizard-men. They ate our children last time and they'll do it again.
But then again what exactly does this say? This spoiling of ballot papers? Perhaps it is just another way of wasting your vote, like putting a cross next to the Rename Thursday to Thing party. Does anyone read the spoiled ballot papers? Are they considered just the papers of people who couldn't figure out how to use the ballot paper? Can a spoiled ballot paper really be viewed as a vote against the system?
So how about actually voting? There are a few alternatives to voting for the dark lords. Some of them aren't akin to a spoilt ballot paper and really have some policies. So choose a party.
Or vote strategically to keep your enemy out.
Remember, democracy is all about doing things little by little vote for a socialist party because that will help steer the ship back on course.
Big BOLLOCKS to that. Look at the Labour party. They have been going more and more right wing the more people vote for them. Voting doesn't seem to change anything. The big parties just aren't that scared of you not voting for them! If you look around at the way things are going it really makes you wonder if your vote is worth anything at all. It just serves to make the individual feel tiny and worthless. Your yes or no means nothing.
So what to do?
I'll tell you what might work!
The brand new fourth way of voting!
It works like this. Go to your polling station. Give them your details and get your ballot. Then just walk off with it. Take it home with you. Throw it in the bin. Pin it on your wall. Whatever.
The thing is, they have to keep track of the ballot papers. If some go missing then the number of votes cast will be less than the number of people who voted. If enough people do that then the election will look like it has been rigged! What better way of showing disatisfaction with the system than by turning its rules on itself. This cannot be ignored in the same way as any number of ballot slips. They will find it really hard to count the number of people who steal their own vote in the polling stations. It will be really hard to prove that those papers haven't been stolen to rig the vote.
Is that any good? Who knows? Any other ideas?
Let's look at those options.
Not voting at all
None of us really want to vote for people who seek power really do we? I mean, can you trust anyone who wants to be in charge? Why do they want to be in charge anyway? So they can screw us over!
But not voting is merely shying away from our one opportunity to do something "democratic" that actually includes everyone (over 18, not in jail or a nun etc etc aside). The one chance we get to come together as a community and say something even if the choices are limited. Not voting is akin to saying that you really don't care what happens.
Spoil our ballots
So moving on from the not voting option, we come to the next one. The "third way" of democracy I suppose. Spoil the ballots, because they are all wankers. This is your one way of saying, hang on a minute the system is rubbish. The system could be better. We want to vote, but not for that lot above. They are all 12 foot lizard-men. They ate our children last time and they'll do it again.
But then again what exactly does this say? This spoiling of ballot papers? Perhaps it is just another way of wasting your vote, like putting a cross next to the Rename Thursday to Thing party. Does anyone read the spoiled ballot papers? Are they considered just the papers of people who couldn't figure out how to use the ballot paper? Can a spoiled ballot paper really be viewed as a vote against the system?
So how about actually voting? There are a few alternatives to voting for the dark lords. Some of them aren't akin to a spoilt ballot paper and really have some policies. So choose a party.
Or vote strategically to keep your enemy out.
Remember, democracy is all about doing things little by little vote for a socialist party because that will help steer the ship back on course.
Big BOLLOCKS to that. Look at the Labour party. They have been going more and more right wing the more people vote for them. Voting doesn't seem to change anything. The big parties just aren't that scared of you not voting for them! If you look around at the way things are going it really makes you wonder if your vote is worth anything at all. It just serves to make the individual feel tiny and worthless. Your yes or no means nothing.
So what to do?
I'll tell you what might work!
The brand new fourth way of voting!
It works like this. Go to your polling station. Give them your details and get your ballot. Then just walk off with it. Take it home with you. Throw it in the bin. Pin it on your wall. Whatever.
The thing is, they have to keep track of the ballot papers. If some go missing then the number of votes cast will be less than the number of people who voted. If enough people do that then the election will look like it has been rigged! What better way of showing disatisfaction with the system than by turning its rules on itself. This cannot be ignored in the same way as any number of ballot slips. They will find it really hard to count the number of people who steal their own vote in the polling stations. It will be really hard to prove that those papers haven't been stolen to rig the vote.
Is that any good? Who knows? Any other ideas?
Hide the following 6 comments
Genuinely original.
16.05.2001 17:31
Just one point though. Nothing worth fighting for is ever easy. And it's never achieved in one nice neat step. Even the French revolution took years to build up a head of steam and it did involve some degree of politics.
My view, for what little it's worth, is that politics has been pushed to the right over the last twenty or so years by a very clever, well-funded and substained campaign from the rich and their companies, lobbyists and think-tanks. We need to reverse that. Anarchy is like marxism as far as i can see, nice idea but it won't work. Look at how people have allowed themselves to be propagandised into allowing the tyrants we have now and their opposition who are even worse. The SWP are a bunch of losers as well.
What's the answer then? Just keep fighting for a better world, i guess. I'd love to have a rousing anarchist message to give, or a trite socialist platitude to hand out, but I don't. Life isn't perfect, but we can change it if we are determined enough. But it's a long term thing. No passengers.
See you on the streets.
Candidate X
Not about easy solutions
16.05.2001 17:41
It is more a case of stop the bus so they can argue about who should be driving.
Giving US an opportunity to work out if it is better to get OFF the bus and walk to where they are going than watch the power hungry argue over who is the best driver, whilst the bus rusts in the rain.
See article titled "Elections are a joke. So what then?... (Part 2 of Democracy What Democracy?)" for a discussion of how to walk rather than be driven (or hitch-hike?)
16.05.2001 19:49
17.05.2001 11:25
17.05.2001 12:22
Still screws with their system while providing the illusion of compliance. hell, why not a number of blank papers. Worth a try
Potential Problems
17.05.2001 17:16
I know that when you get your ballot slip in the UK they punch a load of holes in it just before giving it to you. If you mess up your ballot you can ask for another one, and again they punch holes in another slip and exchange it for the other one. Do they destroy it?
And they certainly look to see if you are putting the slip in the box. So basically there may be no way of stealing your slip secretly. Or at least it may be difficult.
But does it need to be secret. If the "Election Rigged" headline is what is aimed for, it needs to be done secretly. But if this is just a more creative way of spoiling your ballot paper, or disrupting the election count, then you could explain to the people in the poll station what you are doing.
Please remember that the people in the poll station are volunteers, and really don't need any abuse or hassle. I am sure if you are nice about it they might not mind you stealing your ballot. It will probably puzzle them.
I am sure there is no law forcing you to put the ballot in the box. No law against walking out with it. Like I said before, if only one or two people do this it won't work, but if lots of people turn up at once at poll stations in order to do this, they won't be able to keep track!
At worst this is just another way of spoiling the slips or not voting. But at least if you steal your slip no-one could say it was because you did it by acciedent, or through apathy.