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Bristol Evening Post on Nobody victory

Captain Nemo | 04.05.2001 14:20

Evening Post acknowledges council defeat in Nobody election sensation

An election in Easton resulted in a resounding thumbs down for the city council.The Vote Nobody campaign was launched after Tony Blair decided to call off the May 3rd general election. Since then election banners and graffitti urged people in Easton to Vote Nobody and show their disatisfaction with local and general elections.
People were asked: Who do you want to run Easton - the council or nobody?
The result of the bsallot was declared at Easton Community Centre last night - 146 for Nobody and just five for the council.
Easton was immediately declared an Autonomous Zone by the organisers.
The group said: ' Free easton will be the first Autonomous Zone in the country and will act as an inspiration for other areas to follow suit on June 7th - when Easton voters can reaffirm their free statuus in both local and general elections by scrawling Nobody on their ballots once more'.
Easton councillor John Kiely said it was a 'silly prank'.

Captain Nemo
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Perspective sillyness

08.05.2001 07:39

I had to chuckle at John Kielys comment of labelling it a silly prank. A silly prank that 146 of the constituents thought was something worth participating in. 146 of HIS constituents that are unhappy with his position in Easton. John Kiely, YOU sir, are the silly prank.

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