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Piss poor

have a bath | 01.05.2001 23:30

What a piss-poor effort! All the wankers advocating violence finally fall flat on their faces as all their plans turn to shit. Superb!! Non-violent action is OK but the pricks who try to ruin other peoples lives finally fell on their own swords. HA! As for the fucking WOMBLES!!!! Such initiative - they have to copy the Italians. Pussies.

Ooooooh - lets smash a few windows. That'll end world debt, sweatshops, homelessness, etc won't it!!!! Fucking idiots.

have a bath
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02.05.2001 00:41

You really ought too get out more, sweetie,
love is to be found on the streets
Our power is multiplied! =:-)


you fucking english nazi loser shut up

02.05.2001 00:46

you dont fucking understand you sad lil boy so shit your mouth and fuck off home your the only pussy cause u stayed at home in your fucking basket you loser who gives a fuck about a broken window thats nothing to what the imf wto and them other big fuckers do to our planet and world so fuck you u go hang you self u loser we dont give a shite what you say shame you was not there we would all tear to fucking bits but no your just a chicken and all mouth and full of crap like all your familey

no chance
mail e-mail: never


02.05.2001 01:09

Smashing windows gets you media coverage; true. But it also adds fuel to media/business/politicians, who can demonise legitamate concerns. If this movement is to have true strength, it needs to be inclusive, and misguided violence frightens the sheep away.



03.05.2001 15:24

No chance........we were up at Oxford together, weren't we.....? I'd recognise that searing wit and dazzling command of the English language anywhere.....

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