Accommodata - traffikers in misery
clone | 01.05.2001 20:56
Accommodata, who makes massive profits out of renting shitty accommodation to asylum seekers, was faced with a monopoly event at their offices in Earls Court
Supporters of asylum seekers handed out Monopoly "Chance Cards" at Earl's Court, referring to the situation of asylum seekers. The game took place in front of the offices of the company Accommodata Ltd. A leaflet explains: "The company is one of the growing number of private enterprises - from Sodhexho Marriott at the top, to every slum landlord in Hull at the bottom - who are growing fat off the government's treatment of refugees."
West London was the chosen location, because it "is capitalist heaven. Rich people drink in flash bars and wear designer clothes. But just round the nearest corner, live the poverty-stricken refugees, treated as scum and scapegoats by the government, and as a source of cash by profiteers like Accommodata. Things could be so much better."
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West London was the chosen location, because it "is capitalist heaven. Rich people drink in flash bars and wear designer clothes. But just round the nearest corner, live the poverty-stricken refugees, treated as scum and scapegoats by the government, and as a source of cash by profiteers like Accommodata. Things could be so much better."
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