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Oxford Circus 21.00 pm

indy | 01.05.2001 20:11

Police leting people out in bigger blocks of people.

After being unreasonably heavy-handed with peaceful protesters blocked in Oxford Circus under Section 60, police are now leting people out of the cordon in bigger groups of people.



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01.05.2001 23:17

I arrived at the protest at 10.30pm, just having got a babysitter, being a middle-aged anarchist with was all over! Greenbergs glass co. was making a killing repairing Habitat's windows and Onyx street cleaners were picking up the corporate pieces earning double time. I expected the City to be under seige. In Britain? You've got to be fucking joking!!


Closer to 8 hours really...

02.05.2001 09:33

...with no food, water or toilet facilities. And no explanation of why we were there.

I want to write a fuller first-hand account of what happened yesterday and post it up later (I was one of the crowd detained - illegally - in the centre of Oxford Circus). But for now one thing that isn't being reported that needs to be stated is that many of the people the police cordonned off there WEREN'T EVEN PROTESTORS - they just sealed off random passersby and shoppers in the centre and kept them there. For 8 hours. They obviously then claimed that they were releasing people slowly a lot earlier than they were (they even tried to tell us that), and the report that there were only about 300 left by 9.15pm is just rubbish.

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but it really did look as if the cops were looking to create a pressure-cooker situation which would result in the violence they'd predicted.

Joe Zen
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