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Bristol Mayday!

a protestor! | 01.05.2001 16:24

Bristol - chilled out mayhem!

Bristol was the scene of a chilled out carnival against capitol with some bonus added mischief. A bit of chanting, drumming and the usual police surveillance. A group of 50 or so protesters met in the centre of the town and proceeded to take a short tour of the town stopping traffic and having a dance in front of the police station and Reed Employment Agency. Employment agencies are capitalism's new way of controlling the workers by giving less pay, no holidays, no sick leave and no security. Flexibility they argue – but who's benefiting from the flexibility? Not those doing the work – it's no wonder the gap between rich and poor is growing and that the top 100 global companies, despite increasing their wealth by over 800% over the last 10 years, directly employ 52% less people.

a protestor!


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One Arrested!

01.05.2001 18:37

There was only one arrest (as far as I know) today in Bristol. A female protestor was using her coat to stop the police camera man from filming the activists. When she refused to move, the pigs grabbed her and escourted her to the police van, where she was carted off to the police station.

Posters were pasted on the front of the RAF recruitment office saying 'Kill or be killed. That's our business!', and on the window of Reed Recruitment Agency 'No Jobs Today'. Banners and flags were hung from the ship sails in the centre of town declaring 'Reclaim Our World', and a strip of turf was placed on the head of the Neptune staute (reminicent of Winston Churchill at last year's may day), along with a black flag waving from his pitched fork and a balaclava drapped across his face!

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