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report: mary poppins joins pigeon protest

trop | 01.05.2001 14:52

Pigeons fed: no rubber bullets for mary poppins on trafalgar square!

Trafalgar Square, 13.15 – 14.00

Went down during my lunchbreak to feed the famous pigeons. Since Ken Livingston has decided to starve them to death by removing the pigeon-seller, pigeon support has become an act of civil disobedience. A case for Mary Poppins. Met 4 of them wearing flowery hats, lipstick and laced-up boots, who told me how much they love birds, that they are very kind women, that they are prepared to support tourism in the capital with their pitoresque presence, and that they just cannot imagine that the British police will shoot Mary Poppins with Rubber bullets. Lots of police in yellow jackets and a helicopter circling on top of the scenery, however, looked scary enough. Some people were feeding pidgeons, a banner or two, a christian missionary and a father xmas.
In fact, there were no rubber bullets – the police ‘only’ cleared out the whole of Trafalgar Square within a few minutes half an hour later. No more Mary Poppins now to feed the birds, I wonder if the police have brought some seeds to fill the gap?
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01.05.2001 15:48

In view of the injustice in the world, isn't the emphasis on feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square a complete waste of time?

Paul Edwards